December 19, 2018 06: 53 & nbspUTC
| updated:
19 December 2018 at 08: 00 & nbspUTC
The Internet can rightly be identified as a precursor of the blockchain era for many reasons. The Internet has opened a border for easy access to intellectual property. Today, the paradigms of intellectual property have been modified with the rise of the blockchain.
The subject of intellectual property can be very emotional depending on who is involved in the whole world. The advent of technology as introduced by Sir Tim Berners-Lee's Internet invention was the first.
The WWW provided a window for the democratization of sharing information and knowledge. In fact, this meant that inventors thought out of the box when rights were patented and reserved. What is the use of an unknown invention or used by few people when it is possible to adopt mass?
As open source platforms have come to the fore, and their global recognition is a testament to the changing paradigms. Internet, open source platforms and blockchains have a clearly identifiable link ring. Several advantages of blockchain technology can be x-rayed in this light from different angles.
Internet and Open Source intersections
How Internet intersects and open source platforms can be examined on several fronts. For one, before the Internet, the idea of open source platforms was inconceivable. However, as the situation grew, many thinkers began to explore property systems that can benefit the world.
The very nature of the Internet is such that it makes it easy for an idea, a product or a platform to get a global relief. While the success of any invention in terms of recognition and adoption depends on its usefulness, globalization certainly does good. The idea of globalization is limited without the Internet.
The operational framework of the Internet has opened up opportunities for prosperity for open source platforms. The inventors realized they could develop an app for mass adoption without limiting usage rights and making more money. How this is possible is seen in the success of Red Hat and Linux technologies.
Enter the Blockchain
The Blockchain as a distributed ledger that is immutable, public and decentralized exploitation on the Internet and open source functionality. The use of Blockchain requires Internet connectivity and the nature of the blockchain thrives on its open source design by Satoshi Nakamoto and its genre.
The application of the blockchain in today's world extends to areas such as investment intermediation, medicine, supply and supply, as well as education. The cryptocurrency originates from the blockchain and for those looking to make money, the Bitmex signals are useful again.
It is worthwhile further examining the way in which intellectual property gravitates from a pay-to-use to an open source description in the technological revolution. From the power of numbers to the perpetuation of trade secrets, some definitive elements can be highlighted.
The power of numbers
It was fashionable in the last decades to block the rights of use to any invention so that every user has to pay to access it. Such was the realm of intellectual property protection that patented and the restriction of use was the only way to foster innovation.
Years after the first experience in which humanity has lived the Internet, it has become clear that a different line of thought was inevitable. Our world includes billions of people and the power of mass use is such that it can not be overlooked.
When cryptocurrencies first emerged on global radar ten years ago, only a few people paid attention. However, all this changed in 2017 when more people bought the cryptic ideology. The increase in adoption has led to an impressive bitcoin current market value of $ 6300 over the printing time.
The initial value of 10,000 bitcoins in its early days was worth only a pizza, but today the story is very different. Such is the power of an open source strategy behind an invention that can grow a mass market for its adoption.
The power of a trade secret
It is also understandable that an inventor can opt for a pay-per-use route in order to get an immediate reward. However, clearly in line with the mass adoption is the power of a trade secret or a product. For many companies, the time needed to develop capacity for a new technology can be a breakthrough.
In a sense, who can be in a better position to customize a product or platform for the use of an entrepreneur better than the inventor? So with a new app, the inventor-organization has better prospects for making more money while gaining traction with mass adoption.
Any new app or platform will require an understanding of the code, service and maintenance, as well as the best practices to use. If the inventor has the capacity of all the allied spin-offs, the use of the open source route will be profitable.
Clearly, what an open source platform can leverage is the expectation that the product or service will be adopted globally. On the technological scene that is subject to major upheavals by everyday inventions, companies have a better chance to incentivize users who use the open source route.
The greatest good
Using the often repeated example of Bitcoin, the patience and foresight of early developers can be praised. The open source approach to bitcoin and blockchain has meant that more people are able to work on innovation. Today, further research is leading to a wider sphere of application of blockchain worldwide.
The use of blockchain for the benefit of humanity has been accelerated due to this open source algorithm. The developers are therefore not hampered by the cost of access that would have been a limiting factor if the platform was pay-per-use.
While some private blockchains have emerged that require payment for access, the code that underlies the operation of the blockchain is free to access. Several developers are looking at different and a multitude of applications they can host on the blockchain.
In short, there is no doubt that the blockchain has redefined the way in which intellectual property should be governed or protected. The availability of blockchain in the public domain makes it clearly identifiable and this is a huge advantage. Also the question of who to accredit a blockchain invention is solved as his registers are immutable.
As more and more developers are waiting for platforms that deliver the best results for their apps, open source technologies keep a promise. The success story of Linux tells us that open source can be a commercially rewarding business if it meets a great need.
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