Blockchain Encyclopedia Everipedia announces key updates and expansion
New user interface: Expansion will begin with the launch of a brand new user interface aimed at significantly improving the user experience and making the mass market platform more mature. The current Everipedia registration process is already simple for individuals with a technology mindset and blockchain capability, so the goal with the new platform is to create a new user experience for consumers and publishers of traditional encyclopaedias. of the Internet.
Everipedia launched its initial blockchain network in August 2018, allowing users to begin to stake out IQ tokens and receive rewards for editing and editing items. Although the original launch of the network was successful, the new and improved user interface will allow Everipedia's global community to grow on a much larger scale.
"Everipedia is the encyclopedia of everything for everyone," said Everipedia CEO and co-founder, Theodor Forselius. "From day one, our goal has been to make a platform accessible to everyone.The new user interface will set a new precedent for how dapps can bring blockchain technology beyond the sphere of blockchain enthusiasts and the masses."
Importing Wikipedia articles into multiple languages: Everipedia has now completed the importation of Korean and Mandarin Wikipedia content. The company plans to add more languages in the near future, including Spanish, French and Italian. The new platform has also undergone important updates to increase linguistic support, in preparation for the official launch of Everipedia in new countries and languages.
"With the main user bases in regions like China, Korea, Latin America and Russia, we are excited to integrate language support in these regions to further expand Everipedia, with the new updated platform we intend to make Everipedia a global movement," said Travis Moore, chief technology officer and co-founder of Everipedia.
Expansion of the IQ ecosystem with new developments under development: Everipedia is also expanding the IQ network over the blockchain encyclopedia with several new ideas in development. Everipedia is using internal resources and provides the necessary funds to the other teams that develops using the IQ token. Some examples of developments in development include a prediction market, an oracle service, made-to-order facts, and an alternative quora using blockchain technology.
"The development of new apps based on the IQ token is the next step towards the true creation of a decent consumerized network in a single token", said the president and co-founder of Everipedia, Sam Kazemian. "We are excited to create these apps using EOSIO technology and increase the value and utility of the IQ token along with it."
Team expansion: Contrary to most of the blockchain space projects that lay off staff due to market conditions, Everipedia is increasing the size of the team in Santa Monica, Stockholm, China and Korea. This expansion includes a considerable addition to the developer team with three new full-stack developers and two new front-end developers.