Blockchain Developer is "the largest growth sector in the job sector in 2018" According to LinkedIn


Blockchain developers they are in great demand as the profession ranks first in the list of emerging LinkedIn jobs for 2018.

The professional networking site for professionals and job seekers has released a relationship naming the first 5 emerging works of 2018 and the blockchain developers at the top of the list.

The list mainly includes blockchain developers with 33x growth, 12x growth machine learning engineers, 8x growth application sales manager, machine learning specialists and professional medical representatives with a 6-fold growth.

According to Guy Berger, the chief economist of LinkedIn, they expect to see growth around the roles of data science as the industry is expanding and developing more specialized roles:

Not surprisingly, we are witnessing an explosion of machine learning roles and the continued growth of data science roles. In fact, we have begun to see reflections of this in last year's report; however, both fields are starting to see more specialized roles emerge. You might not even be surprised that Blockchain Developer is at the top of the list after increasing this year's interest in blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Blockchain developers: 33x growth

The report states that the blockchain profession is in high demand in the United States, particularly in San Francisco, New York and Atlanta. Companies with the highest number of job listings include IBM, ConsenSys, is Chainyard.

Among the job offers of the blockchain developers, the most requested skills include knowledge about the programming language Solidity, blockchain, Ethereum, cryptocurrency and the open source JavaScript node.js.

While blockchain developers have seen the greatest growth this year, it's important to note that they did not mention the profession in LinkedIn last year relationship. Regarding the job roles of machine learning engineer, insurance personnel and sales development representative, they made the list again despite significant growth last year.

It will be interesting to see if the blockchain will be a long-standing trend in the labor market, and make the list again next year.

Final thoughts

For the entirety of 2018, we have been in a brutal bear market and blockchain developers are still at the top of LinkedIn's list of emerging jobs. This could be a good sign for the future of the blockchain.

The blockchain industry is committed to work, building the foundations necessary to support another run of hyperbolic cryptocurrency. If you take a minute to look over the price, it's easy to see all the positive developments going on in the space.

For example, Android Opera web browser now it has an integrated cryptographic portfolio with support in it. IOHK just released two intelligent contract instruments which will stimulate the development of fintech applications for blockchain. Ripple is make progress with their goal of providing solutions for global money transfer through blockchain technology.

The list goes on, and these positive developments are not slowing down. It's just a matter of time before the price reflects what happens in the background.

Do you think that the number of positions linked to the blockchain will continue to grow until 2019? Do you work in the blockchain industry? Let us know in the comments section below.

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