Blockchain DC 2019 – Washington, DC


With the approach of 2019, both the government and the industry are concentrating unprecedented on blockchain-based technologies and cryptocurrencies.

Start your year at BlockChainge DC 2019, which runs from January 13th to 15th. Take part in discussions with blockchain experts, industry leaders, government regulators, innovators and other professionals. Get a better perspective on the forces that drive the fast-growing adoption of blockchain solutions and cryptocurrency uses and learn what you can and can do to address the challenges you face both.

This is your chance to listen to speakers worthy of note such as:

  • Congressman Warren Davidson who led congressional efforts to bring clarity and certainty to the ICO market in the United States. Come and hear him discuss the legislation he will soon introduce to address these problems and his prospects in the new Congress.
  • Jose Arrieta, deputy assistant associate secretary of acquisition at the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Having led the first Blockchain deployment in the US government to improve supply chain management in the General Services Administration (GSA), Arrieta is now in charge of bringing blockchain technology to the government as part of HHS Reimagine. Arrieta is known for his bold perspective on how the blockchain will change the way the government operates. "Federal government information officers who did not agree with this Arrieta said." When we understand this [authority to operate]they will be irrelevant ".
  • In the wake of recent OFAC actions to add cryptocurrency addresses to the list of sanctions, Juan Zarate, a respected member of the national security community and a longtime member of the Council of Coinbase Consultants will address the need to preserve transparency and financial integrity in the Crypto Economy evolution.

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