CEO calls out Donald Trump – "Hugs the blockchain, embraces the next era of prosperity"


Brendan Blumer, CEO of tweeted to Donald Trump asking him to embrace the Blockchain and to establish the rules for the next innovation in the financial markets.

In the thread, talk about the relationship between blockchain and regulations, appealing to the conservative administration to shed more light on the regulatory uncertainties of the blockchain.

Begin with the definition of the attributes of both regulations and blockchain, which will result in greater security, transparency and interoperability of open markets.

It also stresses that over-regulation hinders progress, but lower regulatory environments are a necessity for harmony.

It ends up concluding that "blockchain can automate and enforce regulation in a transparent way".

With one of the most important Blockchain companies, it extends the offer to US authorities, in particular Donald Trump, to join the ongoing Blockchain revolution, bridging the gap between governments and the cry-verse. He wants the Trump administration to regulate the market with "clear rules" that foster innovation in the financial markets and the digital economy.

Ending the tweet talking about "the next era of digital prosperity, with America leading the way in this space.

Take of Blockmanity

If Trump really wants to "make America great again", he will reply with a tweet. It's 2019, you can hope!

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