This week in Las Vegas there are two well-known events dedicated to information security and to the global counterculture of hacking: Black Hat Arsenal and Defcon 2018. During the celebration of the conference, there will be a lot of demonstrations showing all kinds of hacker tools, security services and engineering studies. Two developers of the Trustar intelligence platform will reveal a new "early warning system" called White Rabbit that detects emerging ransomware campaigns that use the Bitcoin Core (BTC) network for ransom payments.
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A new Blockchain surveillance tool called White Rabbit will be presented at the world's largest conference on hackers
Right now, many technology enthusiasts, cyberpunks and hackers are gathering in Las Vegas to participate in two well-known technical conferences: Defcon 2018 (Caesar & # 39; s Palace) and Black Hat Arsenal (Mandalay Bay). The events of this year will include all types of mobile and routing jailbreaking techniques, opsec methods, online certificate abuse, DDoS attacks and drone technology, but only a demonstration related to cryptocurrencies. During the visit, people will be able to see an instrument created by the intelligence platform. The main developers of Trustar, Olivia Thet (engineering) and Nicolas Kseib (data science), which weaves illicit crimes of ransomware to bitcoin transactions. The tool is called White Rabbit and the developers claim that it provides an "almost real-time contextual knowledge of a specific ransomware campaign". Essentially White Rabbit monitors bitcoin transactions associated with these types of crimes allowing investigators to tag specific transactions. [19659011] Black hat demo to reveal "White Rabbit" encryption surveillance tool "width =" 534 "height =" 261 "srcset =" https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads /2018/08/DefCon-Logo-1a.png 534w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/DefCon-Logo-1a-300×147.png 300w, https: // news .bitcoin.com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/08 / DefCon-Logo-1a-533×261.png 533w "sizes =" (max-width: 534px) 100vw, 534px "/>
Clean and dirty addresses [19659012] According to the demonstration summary White Rabbit is a three-part model that first begins by collecting BTC addresses and classifying them as "clean" or "dirty".
"The second part consists of testing the models of classification using this dataset and proposing decisional metrics to optimally select a model. In this part, we will also discuss ideas on how to calculate the expensive, but important characteristics obtained from transaction data stored on a graphical database, "explains the developers of Trustar
In the third part, we will show how to use the result obtained optimal model to predict if an address is "dirty." Finally, we will discuss our challenges when we solve this problem and propose solutions to overcome them.
The subject that involves a company or entity that monitors a public blockchain and blacklist or contaminate the addresses bitcoin is a very controversial topic among cryptocurrency advocates Because of the blockchain surveillance tools such as White Rabbit, bitcoin transaction mixers and privacy-centric cryptocurrencies have increased in popularity over the years, however, Olivia Thet, Trustar software engineer, he thinks the audience should know who is coord in these types of attacks.
"We are fighting the wrong fight in trying to denote blockchain – we should look at the bigger picture instead," Thet said. "Security analysts using Trustar are much more interested in knowing how the bitcoin wallet addresses are related to the other IOCs they are tracking compared to those who are actually implementing ransomware campaigns."
Collection of bitcoin addresses involved in illegal activities [19659013]
Defcon's demonstrations have always captured people's attention when it came to specific hacking tools. Last year at Defcon 2017 a group called Cryptotronix revealed a presentation to the public that showed some hardware portfolio exploits. Cryptotronix showed failure injection techniques, timing and power analysis methods using the open source Chip Whisperer hardware tool, and the subject caused a stir among crypto enthusiasts and hardware manufacturers.
The creators of White Rabbit claim that the data collected from "bitcoin seed addresses involved in illegal activities" can be used as a starting point for observers to create clusters of "dirty" addresses reconstructed from the analysis. The White Rabbit demo will take place on August 9 at Black Hat Arsenal, and then on August 11th at Defcon Recon Village . Nicolas Kseib from Trustar explains how the ransomware and malware of malicious cryptocurrencies grow exponentially during our online lives, the security community needs to improve their game.
"As the blockchain evolves and potentially plays a bigger role in cyberattacks, the security community will have to dramatically rethink current adversary tracking concepts," concludes Trustar data researcher Nicolas Kseib.
do you think of the White Rabbit instrument? Let us know what you think of this tool in the comments section below.
Images via Shutterstock, Trustar, Blackhat, Defcon and Pixabay.
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