Bitcoin (BTC) received a new quote from US rapper Ryan Daniel Montgomery, better known as Royce Da 5 & # 39, "in a song published on Eminem's new album" Kamikaze ", Forbes reports on August 31st.
Rappers Eminem and Royce From 5 & # 39; have collaborated several times during their career, having recorded a set of 66 songs that have been part of the Billboard Hot 100 ranking.
Eminem has announced his tenth album "Kamikaze" in a tweet Friday, August 31, without many previous promotions According to Forbes, in "Not Alike", the ninth track of the new album, co-starring Royce Da 5 & # 39 ; 9 & # 39; s:
"Remember that everyone was biting Nickel, now they all do bitcoins."
The line is described by Forbes as an important sign of Bitcoin's presence in mass culture and the awareness that the cryptocurrency has a series of cases of use beyond the criminal:
"The Eminem's album statement is significant anyway because it suggests not to quickly get rich scheme, nor a way to sell illicit products online, but rather something that "all [is] doing" – that is as common as knowing to bite the metallic coin to test its quality. "
" Not Alike "is not the first time that the cryptocurrency makes its way into the world of rap.At the beginning of this year, the rapper Akon, who produced a total of twelve Billboard Tops Ten Hits, launched its cryptocurrency intended for the "City of Akon Crypto", according to Cointelegraph on June 20.
Back in January, Curtis Jackson, better known as 50 Cent, was reported as owner of millions of Bitcoin dollars, after becoming the first rapper to have begun to accept the cryptocurrency as payment for his fifth album "Animal Ambition." Later, he denied to own any Bitcoin at court, with his Second reportedly, Jackson would have "never owned, and does not own, a bitcoin or bitcoin account".
This spring, hip-hop artist Young Dirty Bastard announced the launch of his cryptocurrency in an interview with Yahoo Finance. [19659010] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {FB.init ({appId: & # 39; 1922752334671725 & # 39 ;, xfbml: true, version: & # 39; v2.9 & # 39;}); FB.AppEvents.logPageView (); }; (function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) {return;} js = d.createElement (s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs);} (document, & # 39; script & # 39 ;, & # 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39;)); [ad_2]Source link