The first months of 2018 turned out to be quite interesting as far as the crypto universe was concerned. For the first time since birth, ETH (Ethereum) managed to overcome the threshold of one thousand dollars. For many scrambled followers, this new development has been quite interesting as it is something that many fans had not foreseen.
While ETH prices continued to rise, many cryptographers began to predict that it was only a matter of time before the platform was able to overthrow BTC (Bitcoin) as the indisputable cryptic leader in terms of market capitalization. However, The founder of Litecoin, Charlie Lee, who appears to be a skeptic of ETH, and the former Coinbase employee used his Twitter account to categorically state that this would never be accomplished.
While doing so, he went on to stress that his crypto-litecoin creation would one day outgrow BCH (Cash Bitcoin). It is because many experts and enthusiasts of cryptography believe that Litecoin was able to realize what BCH originally intended to achieve after its beginning.
Come in, it's a cryptocurrency that closely resembles the very first cryptocurrency to be created.Bitcoin– But one that comes with features that have been slightly modified. As such, it is a cryptocurrency that can really be referred to as the first digital asset. The LTC Community it was quick to react to the comments published by Lee.
They reacted by releasing a pitted aggregator Litecoin against Bitcoin Cash. The aggregator was named Flappening.watch. After the launch, BCH it would remain for the better part of the year before Litecoin in terms of market capitalization, aided by various catalysts, such as the global acclaim of Bitcoin.
But things have recently started to change. The crisis in the cryptography market over the past few weeks, coupled with the fact that BCH has just suffered a hard fork, saw LTC start making money on BCH.
LTC exceeds BCH
Friday 14th December 2018, things started to take a new form. The fact that the bitcoin had begun to yield below the expected market levels meant that it had begun to underperform. While this was happening, litecoin he was undergoing a recovery of his own. He had begun to recover from his previous low posts, to the dissatisfaction of many BCH supporters.
These are some of the people who chose not to download the resource since the highly moving network update was performed on the 14thth of November. In an attempt to show the world that his prophecy had finally come to fruition, lee, through his official Twitter account he published three emojis, one resembled a chicken, the other a flying dollar bill, and the last one depicted a spaceship.
Data obtained from the Flappening. The watch aggregator places Litecoin's total market capitalization at five billion dollars higher than Bitcoin Cash's. In addition to this, litecoin is currently recording up to 288% more sales volumes than its rival.
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