Bitcoin: "Buy with Lightning" almost as "buy with" Ethereum and Litecoin, BTC 5 times bigger than ETH


Bitcoin turns 10 today. On January 3, 2009, the first genesis block was extracted from Satoshi Nakamoto. Since then Bitcoin has come a long way. To be a fascinating technology for cyberpunk to be able to replace current financial institutions.

Bitcoin has seen a good amount of problems, from problems of downsizing to price problems. The Lightning network, the off-chain solution to scale Bitcoin, also received a huge amount of backlash. Influencers such as Roger Ver, Vitalik Buterin have publicly called him "it will never work", "it's too complicated" etc.

But the search for Google Trends shows an increase in searches related to Lightning. The results of Google Trends show that the search query to "buy with the lightning network" is increasing in volume, in fact it is on a par with "buy with Ethereum" or "buy with Litecoin". One of the reasons for the above is the adoption by Lightning's network merchants on the rise due to the fact that the Lightning network is complemented by payment service providers.

Bitcoin is still the number one cryptocurrency and in terms of search volume, Bitcoin is searched 5-10 times more than "Ethereum", "Blockchain", "ICO" and even today's word "Fintech" . The discoveries of Blockmanity show that people are still interested in Bitcoin, even if some are scared.

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