French tobacconists known as "Tabac" started selling prepaid cards for Bitcoin and Ethereum.
The French company Fintech KeplerK is buying local tobacco shops to sell Cryptocurrency coupons for 50, 100 or 250 euros which can then be redeemed on their website using the QR code. According to a statement from the French Capital.fr site, 24 stores have already decided to experiment and will quickly reach 100 within the next week.
Around 24,000 tobacconists in France have started selling other products such as mobile credits and money transfer services in order to diversify their income, local citizens trust these tobacco stores more than remote online sites, so it's perfect for them to sell Bitcoin coupons.
KeplerK aims to convert 6500 tobacconists to sell Cryptocurrency by the end of February.
Adil Zakhar, director of KeplerK's strategy, said:
"Approximately 6,500 tobacco stores will be operational by early February"
Cyril Azria, who is one of the first buyers on Tuesday at Reuters in an interview:
"I will use the bitcoins to buy computer equipment on the Internet and the rest to speculate, it's a good time to buy," he said, after spending 150 euros in cryptocurrency.
Perfect timing?
The French are not happy with President Macron's policies and the increase in fuel taxes. Blockmanity recently reported the Gilets Jaunes or Yellow Vest demonstrators who are now planning to break down the euro exchange system by withdrawing funds from the banks. The report states that more than 70% of French citizens support the movement of yellow jackets that could cause a bank run that is a non-violent way of bringing down the establishment.
Many citizens are not tech savvy that make it difficult for them to buy Bitcoin online, but it is extremely convenient to buy cryptocurrencies in local tobacco stores that are more familiar to them.
The protesters of the yellow jersey in France plan to start a run on the banks for @KeiserReportWhat does it mean for Bitcoin? https://t.co/BElZZFKU6Q
– Max Keizer, tweet artist. (@Maxkeiser) 9 January 2019
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