Bioentech CEO reiterated “Corona 19 vaccine availability in December”


Bioentech CEO, Jahin Ugu, who is interviewing with AFP [AFP=연합뉴스]

Bioentech CEO, Jahin Ugu, who is interviewing with AFP [AFP=연합뉴스]

(Berlin = Yonhap News) Correspondent Lee Kwang-bin = CEO of Bioentech, Germany, a leading vaccine development group for the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), reiterates the possibility of vaccine distribution next month.

In an interview with AFP Telecom on the 19th (local time), Bioentech CEO Uguo Jahin said the Corona 19 vaccine being developed with Pfizer in the US “will likely be approved for use in the US and Europe. within this year “.

“We are working in full swing,” said CEO Jahin. “If everyone worked closely together, we could start distributing the vaccine in December.”

He confirmed that he will submit the emergency vaccine use documents to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the 20th.

CEO Jahin revealed this position in an interview with CNN and Reuters TV the day before.

Approval for emergency use is a temporary measure to increase drug use in the event of a public health crisis. The approval requirements are relatively less stringent than the formal use approval procedure.

Previously, Pfizer announced that the final analysis of its vaccine, which is in phase 3 of the clinical trial the previous day, showed that the infection prevention effect reached 95%.

This is a much higher revision than the 90% previously announced.

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