Because Tesla shares are on the rise again today


What happened

Actions of Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) they are up again on Thursday, extending a bull run for the stock this week. It was up 4.5% at one point on the trading day, but stocks are still up 2.3% as of 1:10 pm EST today.

Shares of the electric car maker could rise Thursday for a combination of reasons, including further momentum following news on Monday that the shares would soon be included in the S&P 500 and an analyst’s recent move to set a target of price of $ 540 at 12 months for growth stock.

Additionally, CEO Elon Musk has set high expectations for the company’s next software update for its “fully autonomous” beta technology.

A Tesla vehicle with a license plate reading, zero emissions

The Tesla Model X. Image source: The Motley Fool.


When discussing Tesla’s beta for “full self-driving” technology, which requires drivers to be ready to take control of the steering wheel and is only available in a limited number of vehicles, Musk wrote on Twitter Thursday morning, “Next week [software] the release is special. “There will be many” fundamental improvements, both major bug fixes and whole new areas of functionality, “he said.

On a related note, Morgan Stanley Analyst Adam Jonas’ decision to update his stock rating earlier this week was largely based on expectations that Tesla can continue to improve its self-driving technology, leading to a significant long-term monetization opportunity. term for the automaker. Investors may begin to give Tesla’s potential in software more weight in their expectations for the stock’s long-term potential.

The shares are now up 22% this week.

Now what

Major improvements to its autopilot and autonomous driving capabilities would bolster Tesla’s thesis of building a major revenue stream from software over time.

While all Tesla vehicles come standard with cameras and sensors that management believes may eventually enable full autonomous driving, customers can pre-pay for this feature for $ 10,000, while also gaining access to other advanced driver assistance features. . The automaker expects this price to rise significantly in the coming years. Furthermore, it is speculated that Tesla could switch to a subscription model for its software.

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