The launch of Bakkt's Bitcoin futures may be delayed, partly due to the holiday season.
The employees of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission have finished their review and have sent it to the full commission, according to a new CoinDesk report. But due to the federal holiday program, which marks Monday and Tuesday as federal holidays, commissioners will not be able to vote for a public comment period of 30 days until Wednesday.
This alone would have pushed the final vote beyond the January 24 launch date that Bakkt outlined for his physically supported Bitcoin futures.
Ethereum (ETH) continues to grow in encrypted markets.
The third largest cryptocurrency in the world, after Bitcoin and XRP, recorded a rally of over 60% last week. It has now increased by 15% in the last 24 hours and stands at $ 129.93, at the time of publication, according to data compiled by CoinMarketCap.
Less than 90% from its record high of over $ 1,400, Ethereum still has a long way to go before recovering its heavy losses in 2018.
In a new interview with Bloomberg, the founder of Litecoin, Charlie Lee, talks about his decision to sell all his LTC and where he sees the future of the crypt.
"My feeling is that there will be a handful of cryptocurrencies that will actually be used as money," Lee said. "There's obviously a lot of scams and currencies that are not useful to everyone, and those values will fall in. You'll see some coins die and the forts will survive."
Bitcoin ATM
There are now 2,444 ATMs encrypted in the United States.
According to the latest issues of the Coin ATM Radar, Canada is next in line, with 695 ATMs, followed by Austria with 271 and the United Kingdom with 206.
Argentina is also increasing the number of Bitcoin ATMs, according to a report by Criptonoticias. In addition to the five ATMs listed on the Coin ATM Radar, Athena Bitcoin Argentina, which installed the country's first ATM machine in the Recoleta Urban Mall in Buenos Aires, installed two more ATMs for a total of seven BATMs across Argentina.
Coin ATM Radar tracks every type of encrypted ATM from a long list of companies. As for coins supported by ATMs, here is a recent November breakdown.
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