Amazon's cloud chief Andy Jassy spent nearly three hours on Wednesday.
The Amazon Web Services CEO used his keynote session at the company's annual AWS re: Invent conference in Las Vegas to highlight numerous new business services for developers and IT managers to build and manage apps using Amazon's cloud computing service.
Although many of the services are available, they are not limited to: fast-growing Azure cloud computing service and Google's cloud unit, considered by the first to be a distant third in the competitive cloud market. To drive home the point, he said that another AWS executive recently sat next to another executive from an unnamed competitor on an airplane, and noticed that the executive was looking at a PowerPoint presentation that said "We look at everything AWS launches and we move as fast to launch something "with competing capabilities.
This competitive rhetoric by Jassy has grown in recent years with other cloud companies, gaining some momentum and increased pressure, even though AWS is considered the leader in a market.
Oracle executive Chairman Larry Ellison on a cloud computing market share that has been signed as an executive and a company for a cloud computing player. AWS has been on the receiving end of Ellison 's public criticisms over the years, and this year at Oracle' s own IT conference, which has been attempted to reduce the company 's security effort.
Here are a few other interesting tidbits from Jassy's talk:
Amazon on the blockchain
Amazon finally revealed a trendy blockchain technology, which generally refers to the distributed accounting ledger technology that acts as the foundation behind the popular cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. Jassy said while people would like to become AWS would like to be a blockchain service, which competitors like Oracle and IBM have done in recent years, it was unclear what companies would actually use the technology for.
Jaded announced Amazon Managed Blockchain service for users who want to use blockchain technology. This service supports open source blockchain technologies like hyperledger fabric and ethereum.
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This article was written in Italian and is written directly by the database. "This follows a sentiment shared by some tech observers who believe that conventional database technology can often be used to solve some of the problems people believe blockchain technology can solve, like verifying and tracking items in big supply chains.
Amazon with the in mind, Amazon debuted Amazon Quantum Ledger Database, a variant of its own database technology While it's not true blockchain technology, it does not take into consideration the tasks companies want to achieve when they learn how to use the cutting-edge technology.
Amazon built a computer chip for artificial intelligence
Jassy said that AWS built its own computer chip to handle certain A.I. data processing, in which developers are interested in data. Instead, the new AWS Inferentia chip is used when computers need to take action on the date they receive.
AWS's new A.I. chip underscores how massive cloud companies like Amazon and Google are designing and building their own specialized computer chips as a way to distinguish themselves from rivals and rely less on data centers.
Amazon has a new self-driving race car
In an usual twist to the typical IT conferences, Jassy revealed a new toy car dubbed AWS DeepRacer that is intended for experimenters with an A.I. technique called reinforcement learning. Researchers have been using learning to play video games by trial and error, and Jassy explained that the same technique can be applied to self-driving race cars.
Of course, considering the DeepRacer cars are the size of a shoebox, they will not be too much damage if they crash because the A.I. malfunctioned. Coders can use 3D physics simulating software to run their A.I. experiments, and then transfer that learning to the mini race cars.
Amazon is also debuting a sports league in which coders can compete against each other using the race to learn which has created the most superior reinforcement learning brains. Amazon will host the "deep racing championship cup" at the next year's AWS conference to determine the winner, Jassy said.
Update: Thursday, 8:30 PM PST
Comments on databases and blockchain.
AWS spokesperson added that companies can access so-called preview versions of many services Amazon announced. These early versions of the products typically do not contain the finalized set of features when they officially go on sale.