
More iOS widgets for Google apps

[ad_1] 20. November 2020 – Google has released iOS widgets for the Gmail, Drive, and Fit apps, and more widgets will follow in the coming weeks. With version 14 of iOS, Apple expanded the mobile operating system to include widgets on the home screen, and countless software makers have tried …

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The microbiome of Da Vinci’s drawings

[ad_1] Microbe sampling from Leonardo da Vinci’s Portrait of a Man with Red Chalk (1512) Credit: the authors The work of Leonardo Da Vinci is a priceless heritage of the 15th century. From engineering to anatomy, the master paved the way for many scientific disciplines. But what else could Da …

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Christian Pulisic cannot help Chelsea

[ad_1] Christian Pulisic is one of the best young players on the planet. If he plays. Because the striker just does not enter the field at Chelsea. Since the FA Cup final against Arsenal on 1 August, Pulisic has been slowed down by thigh problems. In October, the 22-year-old was …

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MUFG plans to launch the Blockchain payment network in 2021

[ad_2][ad_1] Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG), one of the largest banking institutions in Japan, is set to launch its high-speed blockchain payment network with US tech firm Akamai in 2021. MUFG and Akamai aim to provide cheaper and more efficient payment services through their Global Open Network (GO-NET) joint venture. …

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