
Obituary: Karl Dall never forgot how to joke: culture

[ad_1] Shortly before the end of the Beatles, a completely different quartet appeared in 1967: Insterburg & Co. While the Liverpool four sang in the tongues of angels, the hirsute Insterburgers opted for the counter-program, out of radical absurdity: “Herbert Wehner has spoken: / Nur Angels sing more beautifully. ” …

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Germany: partial blockade probably until just before Christmas

[ad_1] According to an insider, the prime ministers of the German federal states have agreed to extend measures to contain the crown pandemic until December 20. On Thursday he will make a statement from the government: German Chancellor Angela Merkel. (November 23, 2020) Keystone / Christian Marquardt To contain the …

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[Edifici confermati]Yesterday, 73 confirmed cases of multiple district middle-class residential complexes were added to the List of Confirmed Residential Buildings-Sky Post-Health-Respiratory Diseases list

[ad_1] The new coronary pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong has rebounded. The Department of Health held a press conference yesterday (23) to explain the progress of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic in Hong Kong. Local cases were related to previous cases, 8 were local cases of unknown origin and there …

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Litecoin – Exploring the concept of interoperability between Cardano and Litecoin | Zoom Fintech

[ad_2][ad_1] Litecoin – Exploration of the concept of interoperability between Cardano and Litecoin During the most recent Litening Sequence webinar, the heads of Litecoin Basis explored the concept of introducing interoperability between Cardano and Litecoin. David Schwartz, the venture director of Litecoin Basis, said that it is crucial to generate …

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