
Most popular city for expats – Telebasel

[ad_1] The city on the knees of the Rhine is the most popular Swiss city among foreign specialists, according to a survey by the consulting firm Internations in Munich. Followed by Lausanne, Zurich and Geneva. Valencia, Alicante and Lisbon share the podium around the world. In particular, Basel ranks 24th …

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Sun model fully confirmed for the first time

[ad_1] The Borexino Experiment research team was able for the first time to detect neutrinos from the sun’s second fusion process, the Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen cycle (CNO cycle). This means that now all theoretical predictions about how energy is generated inside the sun have also been experimentally verified. The findings …

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Blockchain trading venue challenges stock exchange dominance

[ad_2][ad_1] The blockchain is set to challenge the dominance of national exchanges. Keystone / Walter Bieri Digital asset bank Sygnum says it will open up new sources of finance for small businesses by creating and trading stocks on the blockchain. Its new commercial structure will also address the venture capital, …

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The cause of Maradona’s death revealed – Internazionale

[ad_1] Diego Maradona died on Wednesday at the age of 60 and the result of the autopsy is already known. The report reports “acute heart failure, in a patient with cardiomyopathy dilated, heart failure congestive chronic and which, in turn, generated acute lung edema “, continues the daily Olé. The …

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Telesur signal returns to Bolivian television | news

[ad_1] The government of the President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, announced that the signal from the teleSUR multimedia platform has returned from this Wednesday, after being turned off for a year by order of the then de facto government led by Jeanine Áñez. READ ALSO: TeleSUR celebrates its return to …

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OKEx resumes withdrawals 5 weeks after the block

[ad_2][ad_1] Malta-based cryptocurrency exchange OKEx has reopened withdrawals five weeks after a sudden suspension. In a short blog post Thursday, the exchange announced it would lift the freeze at 08:00 UTC and referred users to a compensation and loyalty program in an effort to appease disgruntled users. As reported by …

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