Austrian National Office for Tourism Trials Adbank & # 39; s Blockchain Solution


The Austrian National Tourist Office decided to try the blockchain solution provided by Adbank, an Ethereum-based platform that aims to prevent advertising fraud.


The Austrian National Office of Tourism (ANTO) is currently conduction a digital advertising campaign exploiting blockchain, becoming the first national tourist office in the world to do so. ANTO is experimenting with the technology with Adbank, a blockchain platform powered by the ADB token. Adbank relies on the Ethereum network and aims to prevent advertising fraud, which causes advertisers to waste a total of $ 51 million each day according to recent estimates. The platform is designed to cut the commissions of advertising technology brokers, some of which increase the ad price by over 70%.

Angelo Dodaro, co-founder of Adbank and chief marketing officer, commented:

"It is exciting to see a country like Austria recognize the powerful use case that exists for advertising on the blockchain.This level of transparency between advertiser and publisher is unprecedented, especially for an organization like ANTO For the first time, advertisers like them can see where their money is going, rather than entering a "black box" that shows that the data we know for a fact is questionable. "

ANTO started showing interest in starting blockchain when the latter launched a marketing campaign for its initial coin offering (ICO) in December 2017. The Adbank team created a video that soon became viral.

When the Austrian agency identified the blockchain company, it immediately wanted to test its technology. ANTO reported declared:

"The Austrian National Tourism Office (ANTO) is extremely knowledgeable about technology and known for pursuing innovative solutions in digital advertising space, so working with them makes a lot of sense for a company like Adbank focused on an emerging technology like blockchain ".

Recent studies have shown that a digital advertising network can charge up to 50% of every dollar spent, and this without counting advertising fraud. This is a separate challenge, as 56% of all website traffic is not human. However, blockchain can solve this problem by ensuring transparency and removing intermediaries,

Adbank put the latest notes on its blockchain-based payment protocol in March. The system will work with their proprietary artificial anti-fraud (AI) technology.

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