Atomic Coin Price (ATOM) Cryptocurrency at $ 0.005796: -0.50% on exchanges from yesterday


Atomic Coin (ATOM) sold -0.50% to the US dollar from this period of yesterday ending at 11.45 am on 20 August EST. Atomic Coin currently has a total market cap of $ 100.929 and its 24-hour trading volume is around $ 82. In the seven-day range, Atomic Coin is -31.12% against the dollar USA, with a variation of 1.11% in the last hour

Let's take a look at how other cryptocurrencies have performed since yesterday on this date:

  • BitcoinX (BCX) is traded at $ 0.00 against the USD, a change of 11.91% in the last day. The Bitcoin cost of BCX is currently 0.00000073 BTC.
  • Dropil (DROP) is trading at $ 0.00 against the USD, a -3.92% change in the last day . The Bitcoin cost of DROP is currently equal to 0.00000048 BTC.
  • Verification (CRED) is trading at $ 0.05 against the USD, -0.02% change on the last day. The Bitcoin cost of CRED is currently 0.00000764 BTC.
  • ERC20 (ERC20) is trading at $ 0.54 against the USD, -10.62% on the last day. The Bitcoin cost of ERC20 is currently 0.00008382 BTC.
  • PayCoin (XPY) is trading at $ 0.02 against the USD, 0.00% on the last day. The Bitcoin cost of XPY is currently at 0.00000253 BTC.

Atomic Coin Info

Atomic Coin has a total supply of exactly 17,412,956 coins. It started on September 23, 2016.

Quoted from "Atomic Coin is a hybrid PoW / PoS that uses the Scrypt algorithm.The 100% interest in PoS will be reduced after 3 months from launch. "

Some useful hyperlinks are following if I had more information on Atomic Coin:

ATOM: Business information

You can find ATOM in trades including Yobit, TradeSatoshi, Cryptopia, Novaexchange, WavesDEX, [19659002] It is not always possible to buy digital coins like Atomic Coin using US dollars directly. Investors seeking to acquire ATOM may perhaps first purchase BTC or Ethereum from a market that offers trading pairs in US dollars, such as Coinbase or perhaps GDAX. Buyers will then use this BTC or Ethereum to obtain atomic currency using one of the trading exchanges described above.

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