At the end of the year, people in the “Baotuan shares” are comfortable? _Sina


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Is the end of the year, people in the “Baotuan shares” are comfortable?

Source: Hongkan Finance

Author | Donghui Hu

Although 2020 is difficult, it will soon pass. It’s hard to do business, but A shares are actually doing well, up nearly 10% in one year. In terms of individual stocks, it is the irregularity of misery and happiness. The good ones have increased several times. They often get such a huge raise in less than a month and are quick to fight; the bad ones not only do not increase, but also decrease sharply. When the outbreak first broke out, not everyone was optimistic about the market this year. Looking back now, the A stock market lasted a full year and the index rise is not that big, but the single stock market has always been there, the trading is pretty active and there are still many trading days in it. whose turnover exceeds one thousand billion. It appears that the current stress resistance of A shares has indeed been significantly improved.

Towards the end of the year the drivers of change began to increase, the most shocking of which was the flash crash of individual stocks. Some titles often have no sign before the flash crash. When the flash crash reaches its limit, it is caught off guard. Flash crash stocks are mostly group stocks and most stock prices are at high levels. How can the stock price be so high if you don’t hold a group? But the grouping is not monolithic, especially at the end of the year, the desire to collect profits will become stronger and stronger. Right now, whoever “sins” first is often the first domino to be overturned.

Few feathers can stay together for a long time

Therefore, at this time of the end of the year, the people in Baotuan’s stocks are indeed insecure: they seem to have made a lot of money, but are still rich on paper and worried about the cooked duck flying away. On the surface, most of these stocks belong to White Horse stocks and the quality is good, but not all White Horse stocks can go up. There are also many White Horse stocks that don’t increase. The difference is that there are people to speculate on, especially if they can hold groups and hold groups. How long to hold.There aren’t many actions that can be grouped for a long time, likeKweichow MoutaiThese kinds of actions that can work together for a long time are rare and most actions have a time when they end.

Of course, people can go back to composing new songs when they’re separated, so most of the stock moves up and down. Indeed, such repeated market conditions are relatively good. It is normal for stocks to rise and fall, but that makes people feel unreliable. The greater the accumulation of earnings, the greater the potential for future declines. What makes shareholders uncomfortable is whether there will be a storm. The end of the year is the time when the impairment of goodwill accumulates intensively. Many investors suffer this loss every year. Therefore, some shareholders throw away in case of accidents. After that, to avoid risk, the money later would prefer not to be earned. This is also a major cause of the stock price crash.

Trampling the memory stimulates the collapse of the stock price

When it comes to investor mentality, investors who make money are actually more unstable than those who lose money. Investors who have lost money have given up, however, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, investors who make money are different, they are really afraid of going up and down the elevator for nothing, so their mindset it is very unstable. If a stock rises from 5 yuan to 50 yuan and the time frame is longer than a year, very few investors can hold it all the way through; but if the share price falls from 50 yuan to 5 yuan, there are many investors who are still standing. Making money is easier to make decisions than losing money. Losing money in stocks is called juggling, which is very vivid. If most shareholders get 50 yuan all the way through, the likelihood of the eventual collapse of the share price is very high.

What’s different now is that it doesn’t take a year or two for the share price to jump from 5 yuan to 50 yuan, and it often rises sharply, especially now that the sci-tech innovation board and the ChiNext price cap are reduced. to 20%. , By greatly accelerating the growth rate, the stock price can rise several times a month. In the event of rapid and continuous growth, shareholders are relatively easy to hold. What if the opposite? The decline can also be so rapid: in the event of continued sharp drops, the selling pressure will also form an eruptive trend. In 2015, this kind of selling pressure exploded and trampled on each other and this kind of dip is most investors’ nightmare. The current collapse in the share price is an emergency response from this memory.

Flash crash is the product of many lessons

There is often harmony in the group and shareholder confidence is full, but when the share price falls, everything is reversed. Nothing can be changed, I always sing a song in a mountain. Do you still remember the first 100 yuan A shares of Yi’an Technology? At the time, there were various reasons why the stock price was so high – some people have suggested that even if there is a bubble, it is possible to fill the bubble. How to fill it out? It is about buying companies with real assets, filling the high false market value and the bubble will be eliminated. But how can there be such a good thing in the world, if everything can be done, how can there be companies with real resources? It’s a bubble and it will eventually burst, but sooner or later Yi’an technology has taught the A-share market the first lesson in popping the bubble.

Later market hypeAll educationAbout AnshuoPending the small shares, the public offering funds held a group and held most of the outstanding shares, and the share prices soared to three or four hundred yuan. At that time, public funds were also full of confidence. Or you ask, how can the stock price end up so high? Some people say you can keep it that way and stop walking away. But after all, I couldn’t hold it and the group didn’t hold it and eventually the stock price collapsed completely. The flash crash was produced after so many lessons. Everyone knows that Baotuan cannot keep it. It is normal to stay in the “Baotuan reserve”, and it is normal to be unsure, especially at the special time of the end of the year. “Defection” to collect profits.

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