Are you nominated for the goodness of Blockchain? – BlockPublisher


Every morning I wake up feeling blessed. Some wake me up feeling tired and lazy. We all know that it's okay to feel this way. It's okay to feel unmotivated. How many things are working in our favor if we look at the superstructure of the world after all.

People talk about the prejudices they want to talk about. Organizations and governments manage the problems they want to see managed. Companies adopt policies that they think can bring new and fresh profit flows into the business. There is chaos and no order anywhere.

The anarchy that the world should be free from thanks to the concept of government, in reality is ridden a little too much in the world, once inspected closely.

We like to believe that the world is so refined, that technology really does its job and that things are getting better, but what the hell they are! I'm not. We live in a large landfill of good and bad ideas, where for some reason (usually profit) bad ideas continue to win.

So we expect people to solve things for us. So we dream of a world with a law managed on blockchain systems and traffic managed by DAO. We want our driverless cars to pay for the krypton fuel without us having to worry about replenishing the wallet. We really want to relax even more as the world magically renews its energies, gets new principles and gets better mechanisms to make them respect simultaneously.

We want everything. We want large companies to give way to our small businesses that are not managed by people but automated. But this must happen as we continue to chew the grains and the fried chicken bucket from that big capitalist organization. We can not make sacrifices. Yet we think we have the right to change.

We have not earned it. We have not done anything to deserve it by far. We have done nothing to end the exploitation and manipulation of resources. We are still sucking everything that the bones that launched us want and we continue to remain unresponsive.

I hope you hear from me. We have done nothing to facilitate entry and insist on the need for blockchain application in important areas such as law and the electoral process and the application of resources, but we want it to happen immediately.

This could happen if the world worked with magical and magical forces bringing all the good together. But, IT DOES NOT DO IT. The world is unjust and ridiculous, all the change that has come and that can come has been worked out well.

And here we just sit and dream while we take another bong puff for good vibes.

Ask yourself and ask me, is this how it will work? Radical things do not reach people themselves. Social projects are attentive, globalization has been clearly traced and planned to bring money to the capitalists. Blockchain will bring equality but who will employ it where it should be?

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