Are you going to have trouble taking holidays this year? – Poll


Poll: Can’t Afford Christmas?

A new national poll has revealed that one in four Canadians will not be able to afford the Christmas / holiday season this year.

With the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, 24% of Canadians across the country are giving up on holiday celebrations. Furthermore, 21% say they are not sure they will have a stable income during the next six months and 44% say they are not sure they can make savings in the next year.

Looking at both scenarios, women are less confident than men, with 22% saying they are unsure whether they will have a stable income and nearly half (48%) saying they are not sure they will make savings.

Looking at paying their bills and rent or home mortgages over the next six months, one in 10 say they’re not sure they can. Meanwhile, 14% of Canadians are unsure whether they will be able to keep up with debt payments like credit cards, lines of credit, auto loans, and more.

“While the holiday season will undoubtedly be different this year, it’s not all bad, and indeed these numbers aren’t that shocking given the tough times we’re in,” said Keith Emery, co-CEO of Credit Canada.

“However, we hope that as the economy continues to recover, Canadians’ confidence in their finances will also recover.”

The national survey was conducted by Credit Canada and the non-profit Angus Reid Institute.

Read more.

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