Arab Engineers presents the economic feasibility of renewable energies in the Arab world


The Federation of Arab Engineers is organizing a conference on the economic feasibility of renewable energy today and tomorrow via “videoconference”, with the participation of numerous Arab unions and engineering bodies.

Dr Adel El Hadithi, secretary general of the Federation of Arab Engineers, said the conference begins with keynote speeches by Dr Mohamed Zahira, chairman of the Federal Energy Commission, and engineer Abdel-Rahim Hendouf, chairman of the ‘National Union of Moroccan Engineers, in addition to the speech by the Secretary General of the Federation of Arab Engineers.

Dr Adel Al-Hadithi explained that the electronic conference lasts for two days and the first day includes two sessions, the first session by engineer Farouk Al-Hakim from Egypt, and starts with a lecture by Dr Mohamed Zahira from Syria on storage electricity generated by wind turbines from storage pumping stations on the Syrian coast and the second lecture by Dr. Hussam Asir from Syria on solar energy and its economic feasibility, and the third lecture by engineer Osama Burik from Palestine on solar system applications and analysis at Najah University.

Dr Adel Al-Hadithi pointed out that the second session is chaired by Dr Muhammad Zahira from Syria and the first conference by engineer Jamal Othman from Jordan begins on the use of renewable energy sources in Jordan and analyzes the difficulties, strengths , weaknesses and opportunities, and the second lecture by engineer Samah Odeh from Iraq on the evaluation of self-consumption and solar energy in residential areas, and the third lecture by engineer Firas Bisharat from Palestine, on the heating system and geothermal cooling and its economic feasibility in Palestine, and the third conference by Eng. Camellia Youssef from Egypt on solar energy, costs, quality, environment and Arab countries – the Arab Council for sustainable energy, and the fourth conference of Eng. Sarah Kharouf and Eng. Rola Abdul Haq from Palestine on improving biogas plants.

Engineer Adel Al-Hadithi pointed out that the first session of the second day of the conference was chaired by engineer Imad Jaroumi from Morocco, the first conference by Dr Yunus Ali from Syria on renewable energy strategies in the Syrian Arab Republic until 2030, and the second conference of the engineer al-Qasim Azhaish from Morocco on the role of solar energy in the development Project of collective and solar water heaters in social and educational institutions, and the third conference of the engineer. Salem Al-Ajami and Dr. Badr Al-Tawil from Kuwait on the reality of renewable energy projects in Kuwait and solutions for successful investments, and the fourth conference by engineer Ashraf Naseer from Egypt on renewable energy strategies – legislation and policies in the Arab region. fifth conference by Dr Jamila Merabet from Morocco on energy policies, a tributary of successful economic development.

Dr Adel Al-Hadithi pointed out that the second session is chaired by the engineer Firas Bisharat, and the first lecture by Dr Saeed Al-Haddad from Saudi Arabia begins on the localization of technical tests and services to enable local industries, and the second conference by Eng. Jihan Moumouh from Morocco on solar water desalination through air humidification and dehumidification, and the third lecture Engineer Omar Baramaki from Morocco on the process of renewable energy benefits for local content, the fourth engineer lecture Abdullah Benamo from Morocco on pumping solar panels and the fifth and final lecture by engineer Farouk Al-Hakim from Egypt on the qualification and training of human cadres for the location of renewable energy industries and equipment, followed by the issuance of conference recommendations.

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