Apple may have its own search engine. How users will be affected


Apple wants to create its own search engine.

Apple is working on an alternative to Google, which could at some point replace the search engine currently available on Apple devices following a tens of billions-dollar agreement between the two companies.

Google pays Apple tens of billions of dollars to use by default for online searches. It’s a many-year-old hill that has grown in value over time and is important to both companies: Apple needs a good search engine and Google needs hands-on users.

However, this deal has caught the attention of US officials, who are investigating the deal between the two giants and who appear to be using it in court against Google, which has already been accused of anti-competitive search and purchasing policies.

Under these conditions, Apple could be left without the search engine it has used for so many years.

A small change in iOS 14, where Apple in some cases (like Today View, for example) shows its results with links to websites, indicates that Apple is currently working on an alternative to Google for its products. , which it will use if forced to renounce the agreement.

Apple hired John Giannandrea, a specialist in integrating artificial intelligence into search, two years ago, who was employed at Google at the time. Giannandrea worked during this time to develop Siri’s artificial intelligence capabilities.

Lately, Apple has been running several search engine recruiting ads, another clue to the same conclusion.

Also, another clue comes from Applebot’s recent surge in activity: Apple’s website indexing bot.

It remains to be seen whether Apple’s search engine will be an independent product or part of Siri, and if after losing the deal with Google, Apple will sell ads on search pages, which would run counter to its promises. it does so in terms of protecting the privacy of its users.


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