Apple Faces 20x More Lawsuits by Ripple (XRP) and It's Stock is worth $ 1 trillion

  live cryptocurrency event

The difference in the amount of litigation that confronts the crypto and tech communities has been unearthed by the Twitter user @lanbins, who responded to a post on three pending lawsuits against Ripple, stating:

"It's nice to know that Apple is as I like 60 … lawsuits have just turned $ 1T, it's normal for big business. "

The lawsuits against Apple mainly concern collective actions against its iPhone slowed Despite legal action, Apple's shares have increased and showed no signs of change: currently, the market capitalization of AAPL is $ 1.01 trillion , while Ripples XRP has a market capitalization of $ 11.673 billion. they do not always control the value of a company's shares – there are other prevailing factors [19659006] However, in the case of Ripple the situation could be different. The causes have influenced the value of the currency of the platform – and negatively. There is also good news – and this is based on the example of Apple, Ripple could have a chance to redeem its image among investors in other ways and should move forward in that direction.

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