Antarctica: “Spooky” British base “intact in 50 years” explored after scientists flee | Science | news


The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is the ongoing national operation in the frozen desert and is part of the Natural Environmental Research Council. With over 400 employees, BAS takes an active role in Antarctic affairs, managing five research stations, two ships and five aircraft in both polar regions, as well as addressing key global and regional issues. This involves joint research projects with over 40 UK universities and more than 120 national and international collaborations since a small expedition established a permanently occupied base on the continent during World War II.

Award-winning director and author Jon Bowermaster then revealed another forgotten building on Detaille Island, located at the northern end of the Arrowsmith Peninsula in Graham Land.

Speaking during his Amazon Prime documentary ‘Terra Antarctica’, he said: “I am going ashore to have a look at an old British shelter hut, this is known simply as Camp W, untouched since its last occupants ran out. more than 50 years ago.

“It’s an old British supply depot here on Detaille Island.

“It has probably not been busy for over half a century.

“It should have been demolished a few years ago by a treaty, but it’s still here.

“It’s a bit creepy, this was probably the room that was used the most because it has the furnace inside.”

Mr. Bowermaster entered the old base and explored its contents, giving him an insight into life fifty years ago.

He added: “It’s also where at least eight boys appear to have slept.

“Here’s a note that says: ‘We stop here from time to time. Stocks of coal, paraffin and gasoline are for emergency use only.

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“So when BAS was still taking the dogs around here, they would stop and use it as a shelter from time to time.

“Obviously they’ve had a lot of time to read, although when you study the names of the books they are detective stories and romance novels.

“I guess when they were reading they wanted to be as far away as possible.”

On the northwestern shore of the Wiencke Islands, a British research base was converted into a post office in 1962.

Mr. Bowermaster revealed how Field W, also known as Base W, could be of interest for a similar project in the future.

He added in 2016: “You have an idea why the place was abandoned – the boat probably showed up and they just took off.

“They probably even thought they were coming back, but apparently no one has returned.

“Its future hangs in the balance, a historic company that has renovated Port Lockroy has its eyes on the spot, or it could be demolished and the site cleared.”

From 1956 to 1959, the W field was used by BAS and closed after the end of the International Geophysical Year (IGY).

The base was designed to house raised groups of sled dogs that would traverse sea ice to the nearby Antarctic Peninsula, but the ice was dangerously unstable.

When the base was cleared, heavy sea ice prevented the Biscoe supply ship from approaching within 31 miles, despite the assistance of two US icebreakers.

So the scientists were forced to close the base, load the sleds with only their most valuable tools, and use teams of dogs to reach the ship.

It is now often visited by Antarctic cruise ships, but is otherwise not busy.

Detaille Island is managed by the Antarctic Heritage Trust of the United Kingdom.

The organization works to conserve Antarctic buildings and artifacts and to promote and encourage public interest in its Antarctic heritage.

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