Announcement of Eighth Dividend Distribution of Open Index Stocks Investment Fund for Ten-Year Local Government Securities Trading SSE_Sina


Original title: Announcement on Distribution of Eighth Dividend of Open Index Securities Investment Fund for Ten-Year SSE Local Government Bond Trading

Announcement date: 19 November 2020

1 Announcement of basic information

2 Other information relating to dividends

3 Other things to remember

1) The company will transfer cash dividends for profit distribution and dividend distribution fee in full to the designated bank account of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch by 4:00 pm Nov 25, 2020 . After China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Shanghai Branch has received the corresponding funds, it will transfer the cash dividends of investors who have completed the designated transactions to the designated securities company through the funds settlement system after the market close on November 26. 2020. Investors can receive cash dividends on the dividend payment date.

For investors who have not managed designated transactions, their cash dividends are temporarily held by China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch, without interest. Once the investor has completed the designated transaction, the settlement system of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch will automatically transfer the unclaimed cash dividend to the designated securities company and the investor can receive the second. dealing day after processing the designated transaction Cash Dividend.

2) Investors can call the company’s customer service hotline 40088-40099 or access the company’s website to obtain information on other relevant information about the fund.

3) The fund manager undertakes to manage and use the ownership of the fund in the principles of honesty, credibility, diligence and due diligence, but does not guarantee the fund’s profit or minimum return. Changes in the net value of the fund’s units due to the fund’s dividends will not change the fund’s risk-return characteristics, will not reduce the fund’s investment risk or increase the fund’s investment return. Past performance of the fund does not represent future performance Investors are advised to be aware of investment risks.

Sea Fortis Fund Management Co., Ltd.

November 19, 2020

Announcement of the third dividend of Haifutong SSE open index securities investment fund for 5 years

Announcement date: 19 November 2020

1 Announcement of basic information

2 Other information relating to dividends

3 Other things to remember

1) The company will transfer cash dividends for profit distribution and dividend distribution fee to the designated bank account of the branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai in full by 4:00 pm on November 25th 2020. After China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Shanghai Branch receives the corresponding funds, it will transfer the cash dividends of the investors who have completed the designated transactions to the designated securities company through the fund settlement system after the market close on 26 November 2020. Investors can receive cash dividends on the dividend payment date.

For investors who have not managed designated transactions, their cash dividends are temporarily held by China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch, without interest. Once the investor has completed the designated transaction, the settlement system of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch will automatically transfer the unclaimed cash dividend to the designated securities company and the investor can receive the second dealing day after processing the designated transaction Cash Dividend.

2) Investors can call the company’s customer service hotline 40088-40099 or access the company’s website to obtain information on other relevant information about the fund.

3) The fund manager undertakes to manage and use the property of the fund in accordance with the principles of honesty, credibility, diligence and due diligence, but does not guarantee the fund’s profit or minimum return. Changes in the net value of the fund’s units due to the fund’s dividends will not change the fund’s risk-return characteristics, will not reduce the fund’s investment risk or increase the fund’s investment return. Past performance of the fund does not represent future performance Investors are advised to be aware of investment risks.

Sea Fortis Fund Management Co., Ltd.

November 19, 2020

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