An unknown space object just touched the Earth and scientists still don’t know what it is – RT World News


A slow moving object of unknown origin has just completed an extremely close flyby of our planet, before returning to the solar system. And the mysterious space material is expected to return in March.

The odd ‘minimaon’ – which is officially dubbed the 2020 SO – has been the subject of speculation ever since it was discovered by the Pan-STARRS poll on September 17. It has been classified as an asteroid but scientists still don’t have a complete understanding of what the object is. Some have speculated that it is part of an old rocket.

Whatever it is, it measures between five and ten meters in diameter and has grazed our planet at a distance of less than 50,000 kilometers. This is only 13 percent of the distance to the moon, well below our planet’s gravity, meaning it will be back again in a few months.

The enigma surrounding the object’s origins stems from the way it travels.

It moves at a much slower speed than the vast majority of asteroids, which typically fire at speeds between 11 and 72 kilometers per second, which planetary defense scientists encounter through their telescopes and detection systems.

Meanwhile, 2020 SO travels at just 0.6 kilometers per second.

Many in the scientific community believe it is a leftover from the Surveyor 2 spacecraft mission to the moon in 1966.

“We are not sure if it is an asteroid (ie a natural body), as it could be the propulsion rocket of NASA’s Surveyor 2 mission, dating back to 1966”, The Virtual Telescope Project said.

The object will be the third known minimum that Earth has had since recordings began, although there have likely been many, many more throughout the planet’s history.

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