The publisher of the games Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy announces the jump to the blockchain …
We look forward to more and more video game companies throughout 2019 to examine the potential of blockchain technology and potentially use it in their games.
We saw the first signs of this in 2018. TRON has launched a considerable fund to develop blockchain games, while the name Atari and its titles have been licensed (a blockchain-based version of one of its classic hits, Rollercoaster Tycoon, it is in the beginning).
Now, however, comes the news that Square Enix is taking the big step in the blockchain game. Square Enix is the publisher of games like the Final fantasy, tomb Raider is Kingdom Hearts series of titles. And in a letter to his investors, it was revealed that he is embracing the blockchain as part of his strategy for 2019.
He wrote that "with the lowering of the cryptocurrency bubble, the use of blockchain technology has also spread to a variety of non-cryptocurrency domains".
"One was the gaming space, where there were some interesting developments with gaming and gaming platforms using blockchain technology, and we are also very interested in potential applications for blockchain technology in the digital content space."
At present, the company's announcement is light on the details, and it's unclear if the company is trying to pack some of its most important blockchain titles. But this is still a very big name in the gaming industry that is entering this particular sector of the market. Do not be surprised if others will quickly follow its path.