Algeria calls for the need to adopt new educational styles in the Arab world


Algeria today stressed the need to adopt new educational styles in the Arab world, such as distance learning and rotational education, due to the Coronavirus epidemic.

Algerian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Abdel-Baqi Bin Zayan, said in his videoconference speech Wednesday at a meeting of Arab Ministers of Higher Education and the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and science on the theme “Adoption of the document for the development of education in the Arab world”, that new professions must be included in their relations with development The economic and social aspects of our countries in the long term are similar to artificial intelligence, all ‘Internet of things and robotics, in the context of concern for the quality of education.

He stressed the importance of adopting educational programs on international standard references and starting that with curricula included in high schools dedicated to preparing the elite.

He stressed the need to move towards a school without a portfolio, “noting that digital complexes are challenges imposed by the development of information and communication technologies to safely enter knowledge societies”.

He stressed the need to improve the governance of educational and research institutions, as well as the opening of education in the Arab world to the global human dimension, taking into account the peculiarities of Arab societies and creating opportunities for project funding by presenting various offers of the highest importance in areas of Arab joint development related to higher education and scientific research.

The Algerian minister suggested studying the possibility of establishing an Arab cooperation program in the framework of joint development and capacity building between Arab universities and some foreign countries with high capacities in higher education, as well as mechanisms to support Arab countries most in need, such as building infrastructure, funding research and studies, and providing university scholarships by encouraging partners in the surrounding area. Economic, industrial and social funding for scientific research “.

He pointed out that the current university network of higher education in Algeria includes 109 university institutions (universities and high schools) and 36 research centers, while the number of students this year is about 1.65 million students between universities, masters and doctoral internships, in which about 61 thousand and 100 professors and researchers study.

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