Al-Ghanim and Al-Bati in front of Burhan and Burita


The official, non-popular Arab world was torn between supporters, opponents and denunciations, and withdrew from the deal of the century, in which US President Donald Trump presented the land of Palestine, its sanctity, its resources. its borders, its sky and its sea to the war criminal Netanyahu, in a theatrical scene that causes unrest, in the presence of three Arab ambassadors Humiliation and false martyrdom on the attempt to destroy the Palestinian cause, bragging about this shameful position , knocking down the wall with the feelings of their peoples, the peoples of the Arab and Islamic world and the free people of the world everywhere. If participating in the liquidation ceremony of the Palestinian people’s cause falls within their powers as representatives of their countries, then it is our right to criticize, categorize and reject.

The rejection of the agreement did not stop with the Palestinians, but included all Arab and Islamic peoples and free people of the world and people of conscience everywhere, including Israelis. Even in the US House of Representatives, 107 members signed a letter rejecting this toxic deal, just as the Jewish pressure group “J Street”, which supports the two-state solution, called for mobilizing forces to confront the agreement, which not only harms the Palestinians, but also Israel and its future.

In this article, I will present images from the Arab world that reflect the contradiction between shameful and weak official positions and the positions of people who reject and rally around Palestine and its just cause. There are those who find themselves in a cold and hesitant intermediate position, demanding contemplation and study of the agreement, and patience in responding to it. This is totally unacceptable. There is no middle ground between right and wrong, justice and injustice, as Muzaffar al-Nawab says, “I’m killing myself more for half the situation.”

Marzouq Al-Ghanim and the conscience of the nation

As Kuwaiti parliamentary speaker Mansour Al-Ghanem threw a copy of the “deal of the century” in the trash, as he delivered his speech at the Arab Parliamentary Union emergency conference in Amman, noting that this deal was “stillborn. “and” its place is the dustbin of history, until the Arab world is captured “. From its surroundings to its bay, the speech salutes, reverence and praise, because it has spoken on behalf of the oppressed peoples, on whose heads stand the coup and bloody rulers and corrupt dictators, arresting those who raise the Palestinian flag even in a match sporty. Al-Ghanim has garnered millions of comments in support of his position stemming from a pure conscience. I liked a comment from a well-known Algerian journalist: “A difference between the hands that beat the deal of the century and those that throw it in the dustbin of history”. But at the same time, electronic flies and packs of printers pounced on Al-Ghanim, knocking and attacking not only the Speaker of Parliament, but also Kuwait. The attack on Al-Marzouq did not come from the Zionists, but from the Arab Zionists, where the new Zionists began to remind Al-Ghanim of Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi, as if this scared him and dissuaded him from his positions on the path of their leader, whose money was wiped out in obedience to the American master. Their lands. And I want to challenge the whole bunch of flies and typists: We suggest all Arab peoples, from their surroundings to their gulf, to appoint a leader, leader or trait of this great Arab nation, and to position their candidates as they like. , and we will appoint Marzouq Al-Ghanim to know their true weight among the Arab peoples, including their indigenous peoples.

The Tunisian ambassador Al-Baati and the price of the principled position

I can’t understand what happened with the Tunisian ambassador to the United Nations, Moncef Al-Ba’ati, because I breathed a sigh of relief when Tunisia was elected to replace Kuwait. I feared that the skilled Kuwaiti Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi would leave a void that no one could fill due to the large number of what he devoted his time, effort and skills to Arab causes. At the top is the Palestinian question. The doors of the Kuwaiti mission were open to students, journalists and friends, and we asked for nothing unless the ambassador and mission staff were ready to respond. I have made sure I have known the new Tunisian ambassador, Moncef Al-Baati, since his arrival five months ago. In fact, it was the Tunisian state that sought him out and convinced him to return to the diplomatic corps, after deciding to retire to spend time with his family. The Tunisian authorities knew that this important site needed a high-class diplomat who combined knowledge, experience, sophistication, languages ​​and great literature. Above all, he knows the Arab issues, on top of which is the Palestinian question. Through my few encounters with him, and entering long and complex conversations, I found myself faced with an encyclopedia of philosophy, politics and history, especially the ancient and modern history of Tunisia. He knows the history of flags, cities, literature, poets and even popular cuisine. He knows all the details of the Palestinian question and asked for information on the daily life of the Palestinian people under occupation and tormented by the suffering of this resolute and patient people from the oppression of enemies and the betrayal of many brothers and cousins.

Al-Baati’s fault is that he presented a strong draft resolution in collaboration with Indonesia, the other member of the Council interested in the Palestinian question, condemning the deal of the century, and considers it a blatant violation of international law, of the Security Council and the resolutions of the General Assembly, and reaffirming the international reference agreed on the two-state solution. To the creation of an independent, sovereign, continuous and viable Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with the capital holy Jerusalem. This draft resolution angered Jared Kushner ahead of his meeting with the Security Council in a closed session last Thursday, so he and the Trump administration put pressure on the Tunisian government from above, rather threatening if the draft resolution doesn’t. had been withdrawn and demanding that its perpetrator be punished immediately and not enter the said session on Thursday. The unfortunate, painful and humiliating thing is that the Tunisian government has responded to the pressure, and the Foreign Ministry has issued the first statement that blames the ambassador, and when this statement has not convinced anyone, the Presidency has issued a ‘ another statement that was no better than the first.

There is a proverb in Tunisia that says: “Beat the cat, so as to understand the bride”. It seems the president is happy to fully understand the message. The Trump administration punishes all those who resist it and stick to the principle, wanting submissive people like those who attended the festival and applauded it.

Between Nasser Bourita and the Moroccan people

“The Sahara issue is Morocco’s first issue … and we shouldn’t be more Palestinians than the Palestinians themselves.” This was stated by the Moroccan foreign minister, who wants to exchange the Sahara issue by renouncing Palestine. However, the authentic Moroccan people responded to Bourita’s statements and sent a very strong message saying to Mr. Bourita, that there is no compromise on the question of Palestine and the Sahara question, and to the extent that Moroccans gather around the question of the Sahara, they rally around the question of Palestine, because it is a cause of law, justice and victory for their oppressed brothers in Palestine. The whole country marched on the Great March of Rabat, and Burita remained isolated in his office, while all the parties, trade unions, human rights and civil organizations went out, and all went to Parliament, singing with one voice: “Palestine is not for sale, the deal of the century falls, the people want the liberation of Palestine. Gaza is a symbol of pride, a popular condemnation of the treason pact. From Morocco to Palestine, one people, not two peoples “. Did the dear Arab people in Morocco leave anything for me to add? What I liked the most about the march were the dolls of some Arab typists who wanted to sell Palestine … they were put before the angry masses to kick them. They are no longer alone in the arms of Israel, but rather have become mediators who want to engage others in the crime of normalization so that they don’t taste the betrayal for themselves.

The test and the road to Washington

What is worse than the military when they work in politics. Congratulations on meeting Netanyahu and calling Pompeo, Mr. Abdel Fattah. Visit the White House and enjoy the friendship of the two countries that have detached a quarter of Sudan full of natural resources from Sudan. Apparently you were jealous of Silva Kiir, who chose his first overseas visit to Israel and the first embassy to open in South Sudan was in Israel, and when the incident happened and civil war broke out between him and Riek Machar, they left him alone in the flames of the civil war and only his African brothers helped him.

I say only to him and to those who are like him behind a mirage that the road to Washington does not pass through Tel Aviv, but rather through the national dignity and the adherence of the leader to his people. Let the proof hear from the window of your office the cries of the ancient Sudanese people about Palestine.

(Arab London Jerusalem)

All published articles express the opinion of their authors and do not necessarily express an opinion “Arabic 21”

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