After the declaration of the Emirati Fatwa, 5 Arab countries classify the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization


Arab countries continued to denounce the terrorist Brotherhood and warn about its subversive policies in the region, pointing out that this group, hidden under the cloak of religion, has nothing to do with Islam, and the last of these countries it was the United Arab Emirates.

The Emirati Council for Sharia Fatwa said its position on sects, groups and organizations is the position of the state rulers in the state, indicating that any group or organization that seeks sedition, practices violence or incitement, is an organization terrorist, whatever its name or claim.

During a videoconference meeting chaired by Sheikh Abdullah bin Bayyah, the Council announced its full support for the declaration issued by the Council of Senior Scholars in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which confirmed what was previously issued by the governments of the Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization, as far as he knew. On the part of the group the stick of obedience and extremism and violence groups that came out of its cloak split from the conflict of rulers and business.

The council called on all Muslims to reject division and to move away from affiliation or sympathy for those groups that work to divide the ranks and ignite discord and bloodshed, stressing that “it is not allowed to swear allegiance to anyone but the sovereign , and swearing allegiance to a secret prince is not allowed. “

The council added: “In summary, according to the official Emirati news agency” WAM “, the legal evidence and doctrine of the Sunnis and the community must follow the rulers of the matter with respect and commitment and not violate the discipline and the ‘order.

The statement from the Emirates Council for Sharia Fatwa comes after the statement from the Council of Senior Scholars in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in which it confirmed that the Muslim Brotherhood is a “terrorist group that does not represent the approach of Islam”, putting on guard against belonging to it or sympathizing with it.

The Saudi Council of Senior Scholars stated in a previous statement that the Muslim Brotherhood “does not represent the approach of Islam, but rather pursues its partisan goals which contradict the guidance of our true religion, conceal religion and practice what it is. it contradicts in terms of division and fomenting discord, violence and terrorism “.

In turn, the Minister of Islamic Affairs, Defense and Leadership in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abd al-Latif bin Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh, said that the Muslim Brotherhood extends its hand to all those who violate the Islam, to all those who contradict the words of God and His Messenger and to those who leave Islam.

The Grand Mufti of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz Al Al-Sheikh, said: “The Muslim Brotherhood has nothing to do with Islam and are misled. They have desecrated blood, violated honor, looted money and corrupted the question “.

For its part, the Dar Al Iftaa-affiliated Takfiri Fatwas Observatory and Militant Opinions confirmed that the Council of Senior Scholars’ statement on the Terrorist Brotherhood is the final chapter in the history of the banned group that is watching over its demise.

The Fatwa Observatory clarified that the statement of the Saudi Arabian Council of Senior Scholars elaborated to clarify all the characteristics of the banned group that offends Islam and Muslims, inviting various organs, institutions and religious councils in countries of the Islamic world to criminalize and ban the terrorist brotherhood and deny it, therefore extremism and violence of the group are an intrinsic feature of its thinking and not. The feasibility of repairing or changing it.

Dr Shawqi Allam, Mufti of the Republic, explained that the evidence for a ban on belonging to terrorist groups like the Brotherhood is abundant. As, “the trends of these groups do not lead to stability and urbanization, but rather to the destabilization of societies, states and governance”.

In mid-July, the Jordanian judicial authorities decided to dissolve the “Muslim Brotherhood” group in the Kingdom due to the failure to correct its legal status in the country.

The Jordanian Court of Cassation issued a decisive decision in cassation case no. 2013-2020, according to which the “Muslim Brotherhood” group was judicially dissolved and lost its legal and legal personality due to its inability to correct its legal status in accordance with Jordanian laws.

“the two seas”
In July 2017, former Bahraini Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa criticized the Brotherhood, saying: “The Muslim Brotherhood has desecrated the blood of the Egyptian people, and has also harmed our Gulf States and conspired against. of them, and on this basis we consider them a terrorist organization, and all those who express sympathy or say they are. Belongs to the Brotherhood and will be tried on this basis, because this is an accusation of terrorism. “

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