Actively requesting a “collision test” from the China Insurance Research Institute, Passat wants to fight a “turn over” _Detailed Interpretation_News_Hot Events-36kr


  1. Actively requesting a “collision test” for the China Insurance Research Institute, Passat wants to fight a “turn over” _detailed interpretation_news_hot events36kr
  2. Volkswagen Passat’s New “List of Massacres” Reveals Internal Documents from the China Insurance Research Institute: A Really Shifted Pillar: IT and TrafficcnBeta
  3. China Insurance Research Institute announces the collision results of 5 models, Haoying / Passat is listedSina
  4. “Passat 2020” found on the official website of the China Insurance Research Institute Netizens: Retest? -IT and transportcnBeta
  5. China Insurance Research Institute Announced 2020 Passat Collision Results: All Excellent (G) Let Netizens Fry the PlateSina
  6. View the full report on Google News


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