Aboul Gheit: The Iranian-Turkish project aims to eliminate the nation state and divide the Arab world into provinces ruled by militias by force of arms


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Posted on: Thursday 13 August 2020-21: 26 | Last update: Thursday 13 August 2020-21: 26

League of Arab States Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit once again warned of what he described as the unprecedented “Turkish-Iranian coup” in the Arab region and the catastrophic conditions it will leave behind, which represent a serious threat to bare national security, indicating that the current conditions in the region Arab countries now require attention, so as not to wake up to a situation where the nation’s capabilities are eroding in favor of regional powers that want to dominate and check the abilities of the Arabs.

Abu al-Gheit said in an interview with journalist Alaa Thabet, editor-in-chief of the Al-Ahram newspaper published Friday in its weekly issue, that regional powers seeking to dominate the region’s capabilities are using the most effective and least effective method. costly, fragmenting societies from within, which is a very old strategy followed by all colonial powers, which indicates that any colonial project will not be successful without a strategy of dismantling national forces.

Aboul Gheit warned that the Iranian and Turkish projects, the main goal of which is the elimination of the Arab nation state, so that the Arab world is divided into sectarian provinces, each of which is controlled by an armed militia, indicating that each erosion of the nation state is an opponent of sovereignty and independence, which has become. With him, the living forces in the Arab world must resist this looming danger.

In response to a question about the “Port of Beirut” explosion disaster a few days ago, and the Secretary General of the Arab League went to the affected capital to find out the nature of what happened, he said: “I went in Beirut right after the disaster, and what I saw on the ground is beyond a big explosion. The city looks like it is just coming out of a war, and what happened was a real national disaster that touched open wounds to the Lebanese, and it will have great repercussions, not only on the level of economic losses, but also on the political situation and social stability “, indicating that Lebanon was not far from crises. Rather, it was already suffering from a severe and unprecedented economic crisis, and a political crisis that has spread since at least October 2019, and the port explosion adds a new dimension to these crises, exacerbates them and reveals the impossibility of continue the same approach in dealing with issues.

He added: “It is a pity that you see Beirut in this situation, as it is a city that loves life and beauty, and has a place in the heart of every Arab, and I told the Lebanese during my meetings with them out of sympathy and solidarity, that the disaster has revealed the extent of love for Lebanon in all our hearts, and that the feeling of solidarity is real and sincere “. From everyone, and I saw the volume of aid that flowed immediately and spontaneously from all Arab countries to Beirut, so that Lebanese officials made it clear to me in their conversations that urgent medical and food assistance may have met the need in this moment and that the next priority is to rebuild AND construct buildings that have been destroyed and damaged, so that families who have left their homes can return “, noting that about 300,000 Lebanese have left their homes in cause of the disaster, and the priority is that they return to resume their normal life.

He went on to say: “During my visit I told the Lebanese that the Arab League is under their command and that we will do everything in our power, within the framework of our capabilities, to help them in this ordeal,” noting that the Arab League is not a country that can send aid shipments, but it has great potential. Mobilize and motivate all efforts in the Arab world, as well as in the outside world and in relief organizations.

He stressed that, upon the occurrence of the disaster, and in coordination with the Lebanese authorities, he worked to include a permanent item on the agenda of the Economic and Social Council of the Arab League, relating to support for Lebanon, and the presence of this point will have a major impact in addressing the spillover effects of the destruction that has occurred, and not just in urgent relief matters. He said the Arab League has great capabilities in the joint Arab action system and specialized organizations that can be mobilized to deal with the effects of the disaster in Lebanon.

He explained that upon his return from Lebanon, he addressed a letter to Arab foreign ministers, bringing his assessment of what he saw during his field visit to Beirut, his meetings with all components of the Lebanese spectrum and what he sees urgent needs at this stage to help the Lebanese overcome the effects of the disaster. The issue stops at the end of the urgent relief, but there is a need to extend to the issues related to participation in the reconstruction of houses and buildings and the restoration of what has been damaged, and this is also an urgent need at this time, in light of the severe shortage of building materials.

Aboul Gheit said that the Palestinian question will remain the central question of the Arabs, expressing his hope that the new American administration, which will come out of the elections next November, will realize the inadmissibility of its proposed solution, called the “American Peace Deal”, and that will begin to relaunch the project. New to true peace, based on direct negotiation between the two sides, based on the creation of a Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital, emphasizing that this is the only feasible project.

He said there is, of course, some relief that Israel’s annexation plan stalled and did not pass, and the extent of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s global rejection of this recklessness has emerged to get out of the way. its political crisis, threatening to inflame the entire region, and the truth is that the annexation of any percentage of the occupied land in the West Bank has emerged. It simply means that the logic of the transaction itself is no longer valid, “indicating that Arab countries and the League have played an important role in staunchly defending against this plan and warning against the consequences of moving forward with it.

He went on to say, “My assessment is that the US administration could better realize the unacceptability of its settlement project, called the” American peace plan “, because what happened is that Israel turned this project into a plan for annexing and annexing Palestinian lands and nothing else, and of course, everyone is waiting for what will happen in the US elections next November, and I hope – regardless of the identity of the new administration – that there is a revival of a real project of peace, adopted by the United States and other powers of the international quartet, based on direct negotiation between the two parties, based on the creation of a Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967. And with East Jerusalem as its capital, this is the only feasible project “.

In response to a question about the role of the Arab League in addressing Turkish aggression against Libya, and how the League views Turkish attempts to exist on Libyan lands, and its agreement with the Sarraj government regarding maritime borders, Aboul Gheit said: “The situation in Libya has become very complicated, with all its military, security, political and economic dimensions. The overlaps and differences between the Libyan parties are profound, as each of these parties has a vision of ways. out of the current crisis, in addition to the fact that the conflict itself has increased in danger due to the multiplicity and abundance of foreign military interventions and the systematic violations of the arms embargo imposed on the country and the recruitment of foreign mercenaries and fighters in Battlefields. “

He stressed that the Arab League’s position is clear and explicit on ways to resolve the Libyan crisis, which must take place through a peaceful and inclusive political path, led and owned by Libya and under the auspices of the United Nations, as there is no solution. military to the Libyan situation and neither side can get victory over the other. Or to extend its control by force across Libya.

He stressed that this agreement cannot happen in light of these external interventions and the regional targeting of the country’s security and stability, as all these interventions and actions in various forms are rejected and condemned by the Arab League, and we cannot accept them, and it is also the position of the international community expressed by the Security Council, the states and organizations participating in the Berlin process agreed unanimously.

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