Aboul Gheit: Arab countries were lost after 2011 … We must not disperse the Arab world


Asthma El Desouki

Posted on: Wednesday 28 October 2020 – 20:35 | Last update: Wednesday 28 October 2020 – 20:35

Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, said the Arabs suffered very hard blows in 2011, pointing out that some do not want to admit them, but it is a harsh reality.

Aboul Gheit added, in a special interview for the “On My Responsibility” program presented by journalist Ahmed Musa on the satellite channel “Echo of the Country” on Wednesday evening, that there are Arab countries that have been lost due to how much happened in 2011, adding: “We have not dispersed the Arab world”. .

He stressed the need to unify Arab efforts, stressing that the League seeks compromise and harmony within all Arab countries.

He stressed that Arab waters are under very severe pressure, adding that Turkey is taking measures within its territory as if there are no laws governing it.

He explained that Turkey ignores international law, pointing out that it is blocking water from Syria and Iraq.

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