A world-famous futurist believes that the blockchain is about to change his life

Forecast for 2019
Anders Sorman-Nilsson, Sydney's strategist for avant-garde and innovation

Anders Sorman-Nilsson is one of the most trusted futurists in the world – he has worked for brands such as Apple, Amex, Macquarie Bank and Mercedes Benz.

The Sydney consultant is not a psychic, meticulously analyzes key signs, data and intelligence to provide his clients with good predictions about what's to come.

As 2018 comes to an end, micky an overview of the 2019 Sorman-Nilsson forecast was given.

Blockchain will change lives

"There will be a shift from the hype around Bitcoin to the underlying form and change of life that is blockchain," says Sorman-Nilsson.

"This particular technology will enable self-executable intelligent contracts to digitize trust.

"Business transactions that are machine readable will be transformed, with real estate transactions, mortgage settlements and more using digitized trust and opening up the human will to engage in binding agreements.

It foresees that the insurance sector, in particular, will adopt the Blockchain technology rapidly.

"Blockchain will be able to securely access electronic health records to issue a policy in minutes and activate automatic payment at the time of diagnosis."

Purchase without cash and without personnel

Another of Anders Sorman-NilssonThe forecasts for 2019 and beyond are a retail transformation.

He believes there will be no money and almost personal.

"Over the next few years, the experience of buying in-store and online for consumers will change completely.

"Expect Artificial Intelligence to take on job roles, cashier fewer pop-up shops, biometric payment become the norm, with retailers allowing customers to scan their veins as payment and facial recognition technology as tools for offer discounts to smiling customers.

"In fact, soon we will not even need to" pay. "Customers will be able to choose items from stores and leave without giving any details as the stores will have all the data stored to digitally bill."

Biometric travel

Forecast 2019 "width =" 674 "height =" 500 "srcset =" https://i2.wp.com/micky.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/biometric.jpg?w=958&ssl= 1 958w, https://i2.wp.com/micky.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/biometric.jpg?resize=300%2C223&ssl=1 300w, https: //i2.wp. en / micky.com.au / wp-content / uploads / 2018/12 / biometric.jpg? resize = 768% 2C570 & ssl = 1 768w, https://i2.wp.com/micky.com.au/wp-content /uploads/2018/12/biometric.jpg?resize=80%2C60&ssl=1 80w, https://i2.wp.com/micky.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/biometric.jpg? downsizing = 265% 2C198 & ssl = 1 265w, https://i2.wp.com/micky.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/biometric.jpg?resize=696%2C517&ssl=1 696w, https: //i2.wp.com/micky.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/biometric.jpg?resize=566%2C420&ssl=1 566w "sizes =" (maximum width: 674 px) 100vw , 674 px "data-recalc-dims =" 1
Anders Sorman-Nilsson predicts that biometric technology will eliminate the need for passports.

"In just five years, the way we travel will be very different from today," says Sorman-Nilsson.

"To board an international flight will not be enough to stop and pose for a photo thanks to the facial recognition technology.

"This means no more passports, tickets or long customs queues, but travelers will simply stop for a camera that will have a built-in facial scan, and then pass through customs and immigration in a few minutes – all thanks to biometrics. "

We will be cyborgs

Sorman-Nilsson believes that brain prostheses, the "intelligent specifications" of augmented reality for the blind organs and 3D printed will be technologies of the future.

"It's hard to imagine a world where 3D biological printers will build custom organs, robo-consultants will take on the role of human financial advisors and use algorithms to calibrate a financial portfolio, or" social credit scores "will be implemented to take into account of a person's bad driving, smoking habits or if they publish fake online news to determine a "score" that could punish them with slower Internet, travel restrictions or prevent them from getting a good job.

"But these are all technologies that are created right now and will be available in a few years".

Because a venture capitalist in New York believes that Bitcoin and Ethereum are "fundamentally oversold". Click here to read Micky's article.

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