A survey reveals that the fifth of adults “had internal contact with someone outside their bubble”


One fifth of adults in Britain had direct home contact with someone outside their family or support bubble in early November, a poll suggests.

About 22 percent of adults surveyed said they had had physical contact with at least one other person while socializing indoors in the previous 24 hours, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) found.

This was in settings such as private homes, cafes, pubs or restaurants, excluding those in their family or in the support bubble, and is a similar percentage to the previous week (24%).

The ONS questioned adults about their behavior between 5 and 8 November as part of its opinion and lifestyle survey, receiving 4,378 responses.

Examples of direct physical contact may include shaking or holding hands, hugging, and making contact when passing objects, the ONS said.
A quarter (25%) of adults between the ages of 50 and 69 said they had had physical contact while socializing at home with someone who was not part of their family or bubble.

People aged 70 and over were less likely to report it (17%), while 23% of young people between 16 and 29 said they did.

Public health messages during the coronavirus pandemic have consistently advised people to try to keep their distance from those not in their family or bubble.

On November 5, a four-week national blockade was imposed for England.

During the investigation period, Wales was also subjected to a national “fire barrier” and Scotland had five levels of “local protection levels”.

People have been asked about their behavior in the past 24 hours, so the data also covers the day before England’s blockade was imposed.


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