While the crypto industry provides a large area for creators, companies and innovative technologies to develop and thrive, it is also a good opportunity for scammers, hackers and thieves to get large amounts of money or break down important sites.
Today we will discuss the people who have managed to become the titles of several media outlets because of their scandalous crimes.
1. Icelandic miners in China
This story seems incredible from the title. In essence, what happened is: a group of Icelanders stole a huge amount of mining equipment, including computers, video cards, CPU processors etc. The total cost of all the stolen goods amounted to over 2 million dollars.
Some arrests were made, but a couple of criminals escaped to China where they were doing their illegal mining activities. However, unfortunate miners did not take into account the fact that such an intensive extraction required a lot of electricity and such an unusual level of electricity consumption. has attracted the attention of the Chinese police.
All the equipment was arrested and at the moment the Icelandic and Chinese police are negotiating what to do with the criminals.
2. A young hacker from Cali
A couple of months ago, the The American police took over a 20-year-old university student called Joel Ortiz. This young man managed to do things that people who twice would never have been able to do.
Ortiz has hacked cell phones of over 40 different people using the technique called SIM exchange. In doing so, he added over $ 5 million to his bank account.
Unfortunately (for him), this also brought him 28 offices in court and a not very bright future.
3. A conspiracy of the Indian government
Here we come with a good old scam. But this is not a normal scam like those that appear on Twitter every now and then. This scam involved the members of the government party of the Indian government and as much as $ 750 million.
According to an Indian congressman, some of the people who held the highest positions in the government were covering a big scam involving Bitcoin. The whole scheme was so well planned and complex that it was virtually impossible to solve this case.
The accused politicians have obviously denied all the charges, and both sides continue to bark up to this day.
Here there were three cases of cryptographic crime, resolved and unresolved, which stood out for their unusual nature, amount of stolen money and even brilliance of execution. However, none of them really deserves admiration, because all these criminals have caused many problems. We hope that our characters of today and all their "colleagues" will be punished for what they have done, and the cryptography industry will become a bit cleaner.
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