A more quantum-savvy workforce is needed


STEM degrees remain valuable, but as the field grows, companies also want candidates who understand the concepts of quantum information science and technology, a new study finds.


A new study is providing guidelines on how colleges and universities can update their curricula to incorporate quantum computing to prepare for the anticipated job surge.

Researchers from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and the University of Colorado Boulder suggested steps to take after interviewing managers from more than 20 quantum technology companies in the United States.

The finding from the interviews is that those graduating with a bachelor’s degree in physics may not have the skills necessary to enter the quantum workforce, RIT said. Changing this, the researchers said, could completely change the way physics courses are taught and help make the topic relevant to a new generation of students.

The impetus for the study was to understand the types of entry-level positions these companies offer and the educational pathways that could lead to those jobs, according to RIT. The researchers found that while companies still seek employees with traditional STEM degrees, they want applicants to understand fundamental concepts in quantum information science and technology.

“For many of these roles, there is this idea of ​​being ‘quantum aware’ that is highly desirable,” said Ben Zwickl, an associate professor at RIT, in a statement. “Companies have told us that many positions don’t require deep experience, but students could really benefit from a one or two semester introductory sequence that teaches the fundamental concepts, some of the hardware implementations, how algorithms work, what a qubit is, and things like that. “


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While a graduate can bring the strength of a traditional STEM degree, it’s also important that they can speak the language the company speaks, added Zwickl, who is also a member of the Future Photon Initiative and the Center for Advancing STEM Teaching, Learning. RIT and evaluation.

What companies want in quantum candidates

The study authors said that colleges and universities should offer introductory, multidisciplinary courses with few prerequisites that will allow software engineering, computer science, physics, and other STEM majors to learn the core concepts together. Zwickl said providing quantum educational opportunities to students across all disciplines will be important because quantum technology has the opportunity to revolutionize a wide range of fields.

“It is a growing industry that will produce new sensors, images, communications, information technologies and more,” he said. “Many of the technologies are in a research and development stage, but when they start moving towards commercialization and mass production, you will have end users who are trying to figure out how to apply the technology. They will need technical staff on purpose who are sufficiently fluent with ideas that you can use them “.

Companies like IBM and Google have built working quantum machines containing a few dozen qubits, and plans are underway for larger 1,000-qubit computers. According to the researchers, a more quantum-savvy workforce is needed to achieve this.

Most of the companies the team consulted with are part of the Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C), a group working to grow the U.S. quantum industry, according to the online site Physics. Representatives were primarily direct supervisors of basic technical staff rather than senior executives. “We wanted to talk to people who could speak with knowledge of the activities carried out in the entry level jobs,” explained Zwickl.

In the interviews, representatives were asked questions to find out what scientific, technical and cross-cutting skills companies want for new hires, as well as the type of quantum-specific knowledge required. The interviews also covered hiring practices and on-the-job training opportunities, the site said.

The team found two common threads from the responses, according to Physics. First, companies said they were often looking for people who were “quantum aware” – they broadly understood the concepts behind quantum computing, sensing, or communication, and could talk about those concepts effectively. However, candidates don’t need a thorough understanding of essential equations and theory, the site states.

The second finding was that candidates with practical laboratory skills, such as the ability to make electrical devices, were favored over those who did not. “Most of these companies are looking for quantum engineers who can help build quantum devices and make them work reliably,” said Michael Fox, who works in physical education research at UC Boulder, and led all interviews, the site said.

But graduates with these two skills can be hard to find due to the way quantum courses are designed. Undergraduate physics students generally have little experience with building electrical or quantum devices, while undergraduate engineering students often have little or no exposure to quantum mechanics, said researcher Heather Lewandowski, quantum physics at UC Boulder, according to Physics.

Quantum physics is typically an advanced course, requiring many prerequisites, which can limit access to majors outside of physics, Fox said. Course content is also outdated, focusing on quantum physics from the early 1900s rather than the “most exciting” advances of the past decade, physics reported. Another problem is that most introductory quantum classes have a hands-off format.

Zwickl said he hopes to apply many of the lessons learned from the study to the RIT curriculum. According to the university, it is in the process of developing two new introductory RIT courses in quantum science and information, as well as an interdisciplinary minor in the field.

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