In recent years, the number of people seeking Satoshi Nakamoto has increased as people around the world have been searching for the mysterious creator of Bitcoin. The cryptocurrency community has also seen some people emerging recently from carpentry, who claimed to be Satoshi or were accused of being the creator of the currency. Then there is that boy who says he is Nakamoto and has published the first chapter of his autobiography. An investigative approach that has often been used to try to find out the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto is a scientific method called stylometry, which shows that there are very few people living on earth who have ever written as Nakamoto and the writing style of the crypto-inventor is not easy to plagiarize.
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The Quest to Uncover the Real Satoshi Nakamoto
Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? This is a question that people often ask these days because of the climatic growth of cryptocurrencies last year, and many individuals have always been curious about the creator of technology. There are many reasons why a lot of people would like to find out who Satoshi is, since the creator of Bitcoin could perhaps answer some questions that could put an end to the scaled debate that has been happening for years. Nakamoto also holds over 1 million BTC, BCH and every other fork created with its original protocol making it extremely rich. In recent years, the crypto-community has also seen some people who have been called Satoshi Nakamoto including Dorian Nakamoto, Ian Grigg, Nick Szabo and Craig Wright. Moreover, recently a man from Hawaii claimed that he was Satoshi, and then another dude wrote the first chapter of the memories of Satoshi Nakamoto while he also claimed to be the creator of Bitcoin. [19659012] Stylometry used to discover the writing style and literary quirks of Satoshi Nakamoto
Over the years, there is a scientific method that studies the linguistic style of typed text and calligraphy called & # 39; stitometria & # 39; and the literary tool has often been used to attribute the anonymity of Satoshi to a real person. The text analysis method for proof of authenticity or property has been used for hundreds of years. When people write, they not only have a distinctive spelling, but the way people put specific phrases and words in writing bodies are also very unique characteristics for each individual.

After the boy who wrote 21 pages of Nakamoto's personal memories, many people studying text patterns and stylometrists believed that the last autobiography written by Nakamoto was most likely fake. The armchair detectives discovered that the latest memoirs did not contain the literary peculiarities of Nakamoto, the double spacing and the unique spelling errors.
Difficult to copy the style of Satoshi but few cryptographers have Analogies
In fact, other stylistic analyzes of the original white paper of Bitcoin and the e-mails of Satoshi reveal that it is not easy to copy the style of Nakamoto. For example, the meteorologists have declared that the possibilities of another cryptographic researcher who used the phrases: "It should be noted, for our purposes, can be characterized, and preclude" proves extremely low at 0, 8 percent. However, during the years of stylized analysis of the white paper, there have been some cryptographers who have approached the linguistic style of Nakamoto. The five closest individuals nominated were Nick Szabo, Ian Grigg, Hal Finney, Wei Dai and Timothy May. Szabo has the highest amount of algorithmic similarities in his early studies if studied in parallel with the Nakamoto white paper. Although, each of the people mentioned above has had comparable writing styles to Nakamoto to some extent and the stylometric studies have named them all as suspects. On December 26, 2017, data scientist Michael Chon explains each character who was used in a kilometer analysis against Nakamoto's writings.
"According to classification algorithms, [stylometric analysis] all predicted that Nick Szabo was linguistically similar to Satoshi who had written the Bitcoin card and Ian Grigg is linguistically similar to Satoshi who had exchanged e-mails," Chon Details. "The word" would "be used by Hal Finney 28 times and the word" one "is used by Nick Szabo 199 times.There is an ungram, the word" contract " , commonly used by Ian Grigg and Nick Szabo. "
Wei Dai has the highest similarity score with the Bitcoin document and Hal Finney has the highest similarity score compared to Satoshi's email exchanges. From gensim, Timothy C. May has the highest similarity score with the Bitcoin card and Ian Grigg has the highest similarity score compared to Satoshi's email exchanges. An unusual result is that Ian Grigg has a similarity score of .99996 to Satoshi's email exchanges.

Even if the non perfect stylization can confirm the writing of fake resurrection
Finally, another study written by a non-profit organization based in England used stetoscopy last June against the writings of Nakamoto and they concluded that the creator was the well-known Bitcoin developer Gavin Andresen. "We identified Bitcoin Cash developer Gavin Andresen as the real Satoshi Nakamoto," says Troy Watson, a representative of the recent non-profit studio. However, not many took the study too seriously and the stylometric analysis was quickly forgotten.

The community has seen many statements by people who say they are Satoshi and it is certain that stethoscopy will probably be used against any Nakamoto who has come forward. The method of study, though not perfect, can deduce things to a relatively low number of known people, while giving people an idea of how difficult it is to discover Nakamoto's identity. But stylization can also be used to easily confirm the phony who try to relive the days of glory of Nakamoto through the writing of resurrection.
What do you think of the many stylometric studies used to discover the true Satoshi Nakamoto? Do you think that stylometry is a good tool to infer if someone is Nakamoto or not? Let us know what you think of this topic in the comments section below.
Images via Shutterstock, Twitter, Pixabay and Time.
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