We live in a period when technology is advancing rapidly. Inter-connectivity has made the world closer than it has ever been before, however it has also made our personal information much more vulnerable.
Passwords have long been seen as the cornerstone of online security. Every time you indulge in Internet purchases, or access work emails, or access our online banking system, we are protected by a network of passwords that are designed to keep our data safe.
But do passwords really bring peace and security at a time when hackers have so many tools at their disposal that they can force violations?
In 2017, Centrify, one of the leading digital security organizations, discovered it 81% of the violations of the data involved compromised credentials. This, second Verizon data breach report (DBIR), represents an alarming increase from 50%, to 60% to more than four fifths of the violations that come to stolen or weak passwords in the last three years, especially considering the fact that many passwords are repeated:
Safety not Guaranteed
The fundamental problem with passwords often has roots in human error. Many organizations advise employees to change their codes repeatedly throughout the year and to keep the hackers guessing by opting for passwords that are longer than eight characters that include numbers and symbols.
This may seem like an obvious way to ensure security, but when people can expect to create dozens of accounts with limited online passwords every year, the chances that they are kept at the top of their passwords will decrease.
The idea of remembering such an unnatural combination of characters and special numbers within a long code is so difficult for some, who prefer to use simpler passwords instead. Luck published a list of the the most common passwords in the world of 2017and first came & # 39; 123456 & # 39 ;, with & # 39; Password & # 39; in second place, surpassing "Password1" in 2014, according to the Statist.
Choosing these generic passwords may seem like users are asking about problems, but the reality is that for many, the task of remembering elaborate sentences and combinations of characters is simply too difficult. When customers are asked to create passwords they feel they do not remember, often the solution is to record their new password somewhere, sometimes in their phone and sometimes physically for future reference – but then this act only leads to increase the chances of the code falling into the wrong hands.
Time for an alternative?
Biometrics has long been touted as a successor to the faulty password system, but with Jonathan LeBlanc, Ex-Global Head of Developer Advocacy of Paypal, already declaring the widespread fingerprint identification technology obsolete, is a sort of competition among companies looking for an even more reliable way to protect private information with the 39. help from our bodies.
A Toronto-based startup, Nymi, has recently developed a wearable bracelet that uses the unique "cardiac signature" of the user as a form of identification. Paypal itself has worked on the development of "wearable computer tattoos" that can provide biometric confirmation of the wearer's identity.
Another approach has been adopted by companies like Remme, which eliminates passwords for SSL certificates and integrated devices coupled with blockchain technology to keep sensitive information safe without the need for passwords. Alex Momot, Co-founder and CEO of Remme explains "The new process of access without password can be compared to the airport registration You show your passport and if there is no data (negative records), you're good to go."
Because of the immutable power of the blockchain, the information of a company can be kept safe with zero prospects of a brute force attack that manipulates or steals the stored data.
Is the future without a password?
The passwords were more and more the subject compromises in recent years. A survey of Kaspersky Lab found that 59% of people fail to store their passwords securely, while 63% use "easy to guess" codes that are easily interpreted by hackers and another 39% select the same passwords for all their accounts .
This evidence indicates the fragility of password-protected systems on a stage as big as the world wide web. They can be an effective way to keep information protected in a closed-loop intranet-based system, but at this time of unprecedented interconnection, a more complex way of ensuring security must be conceived.
Fortunately, as the tools available to hackers develop, even the technology that can be used to keep our information safe.
Blockchain is designed to counter even the most persistent of codebreakers, with its "non-editable" information chain distributed over a series of networks, while the reliability of biometric cryptography has proved popular enough to allow banks to adopt module to provide greater security to mobile devices bank accounts.
IBM estimates that the average cost of a UK company to remedy a data breach is about £ 2.5 million. This, coupled with the collective fear that a data loss could cause the image of a company, requires the need for a change within the outdated online security structure. A general review of passwords as we know them today will be inevitable if companies need to provide protection to their customers and values.
Featured image: DepositPhotos / pn_photo
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