A Crypto Lover has created a horror short film about Bitcoin


According to the official statement GMO, an internet company based in Japan, launches another cryptographic platform. Unlike the previous two, designed for margin trading and brokerage service, correspondingly, this is a cryptocurrency platform.

This platform intends to expand the operations of the company to the maximum point. This cryptographic platform offers its users a one stop shop for their trading needs. Customers will be able to withdraw current transactions of their Bitcoin assets and re-issue transactions in the form of a "card". Furthermore, the platform will only accept Bitcoin transactions.

The representative of the GMO Coin commented that this exchange will allow users to keep track of all the contents of the orders on a display, such as information on the card. Therefore, customers will see the number of what they want to buy and the number they want to sell.

We want to remind you

The Japanese bank MUFG will launch its cryptocurrency

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