Vinod Sujan, founder and CEO of Aarzoo Search.
New Delhi: A blockchain-based search engine for businesses will make sense? Vinod Sujan, founder and CEO of Aarzoo Search, is based in the United States and is ready to launch a search engine in the B2B space based on blockchain technology.
"We aim to provide search results that are loyal to the query and completely flawless and incorruptible from promoted or sponsored data," he says. "With Aarzoo, the search happens in real time and because the information is not filtered, the user will get unfiltered results without any bias."
In addition, Sujan will offer companies a dashboard for € 1 per user per month, which will provide them with the results of unfiltered search results. Expects to launch the search engine on August 15, 2019 and states that its main customers will include procurement companies, which will be able to obtain accurate data on any item, without any injury.
Sujan believes that "Google is behind the curve of blockchain technology". "It will take 3-4 years to recover, and if they were to launch a blockchain-based search engine, they will ultimately cannibalize their product." In addition, the availability of technology talents and the huge size of the market mean that India is among the top three consumers in the world of advanced services and solutions.
"Aarzoo will also have a built-in to get to know your client so the Reserve Bank of India wants to use it, we've optimized the technology so that only the parties are in the transaction." Sujan is confident of his success, especially from when he built a robust weapons-level encryption technique for secure communications in a peer-to-peer environment.
However, it recognizes that the blockchain has many security-related deficiencies. Yet, he says, "blockchain is a technology to embrace in the near future, it will help innovative cross-border payment solutions based on block-chain technology – it will be a turning point for India, but it is at a nascent stage and needs to evolve to make the most of its potential ".