18-year off-duty “private” police sentenced to labor re-education center official described as “bad road” | News-Yahoo Hong Kong-Yahoo Hong Kong News


  1. 18-Year-Old ‘Private’ Off-Service Boy Sentenced to Labor Camp, Described as ‘Bad Street’ | News-Yahoo Hong KongYahoo Hong Kong News
  2. The off-duty protester was a “private” boy involved in the case sentenced to the labor campon.cc East Net
  3. The off-duty cop was smuggled by the boy involved in the case and sentenced to an internment officer: throw his head and blood to sacrifice himself for baa?Hong Kong Apple Daily
  4. An 18-year-old “private” off-duty police officer sentenced to a labor camp, the officer described as “bad road”Daily title
  5. View the full report on Google News
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