Earth is closer to a black hole than previously thought, say Japanese scientists – The Blend


1 December 2020 15:49


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Japanese scientists have made a new map of the galaxy in which the solar system is located, the Milky Way. With this work, they showed that our solar system, and therefore the Earth, is closer to the black hole at the center of the galaxy.

At the center of many galaxies are supermassive black holes, around which these constellations orbit. In the case of the Milky Way, it revolves around Sagittarius A and does so at a faster rate than previously thought. Furthermore, the galaxy is closer than the calculated black hole.

The International Astronomical Union established the distance from the galactic center at 27,700 light years in 1985. Now, with studies done in Japan, this distance has been defined as 26,673 light years.

On the other hand, it had been established that the speed at which the galaxy orbiting Sagittarius A is 227 kilometers per second, but new studies have established that the correct thing is 220 kilometers per second.

New technologies were used to conduct this study, including radio telescopes found throughout the Japanese archipelago. They combined images from all of these telescopes to simulate a 2,300-kilometer-diameter device with better resolution. Hence, they got a more reliable picture of our galaxy.

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