Samsung Vice President Level Price Changes … The Big 3 CEO appears to be retained


Greetings from the president on 2 as soon as possible … Minimize the replacement of corporate executives
Organizational Renewal as Marketing Manager … About 200 executives seem to change


The regular greetings of Samsung Group executives in 2021, including the president of Samsung Electronics, will be held as early as the 2nd. In Samsung Electronics, the division head, who is in charge of the CEO, and most of the heads of business divisions at the level of president are retained. At the level of vice president, however, it is expected that a greater number of staff changes compared to last year will lead to an organizational reorganization.

Greetings from the CEO of Samsung

A senior Samsung official said on Day 1: “A decision has been made on the staffing of presidents of major affiliates, including Samsung Electronics.” In the case of Samsung Electronics, which is attracting the most attention, not just “Big 3”, as Ki-nam Kim, Vice President of Device Solutions (DS), who is responsible for the CEO, Hyun-seok Kim, President of Consumer Electronics (CE), and Dong-jin Ko, President of IT and Mobile (IM), It is known that most of the heads of the main business units have also been retained.

CEOs are believed to have all of their mandates and have exceeded market expectations, such as achieving record quarterly sales in the third quarter despite the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19). This means that there is no reason to change “longevity” without defects. An official said, “There are only one or two people who could be replaced as corporate-level presidents or above.

Relieves staff uncertainty

This greeting draws attention as it is the first decision made by Samsung Electronics Vice President Lee Jae-yong following the death of Samsung Electronics President Lee Kun-hee. Not long ago, in the business world, it was noted that staff would be deferred on account of Lee being tried on the basis of the Nongdan state administration.

The reason Vice President Lee was quick to say hello despite various uncertainties is considering the situation where the market forecast is difficult due to Corona 19 and the like. He believes that to create an atmosphere in which business unit managers can focus on management without shaking, staff uncertainty needs to be resolved. Another Samsung official said: “This year alone, regular staff was delayed in mid-January, but staff staff times were normalized as usual in early December.”

The fact that the boss’s staff is not numerous is one of the backgrounds that allowed him to say goodbye relatively quickly. Samsung Electronics’ presidential team numbered 14 in 2018, 2 last year and 9 this year. The wishes of next year should be similar to those of 2019.

The level of vice president is drastically replaced

The number of electronics division executives, which is expected to take place on 4, is said to change significantly. It is a dimension to reorganize the organization by resolving the atmosphere that can loosen while the teams of presidents remain in office.

Notably, the vice president’s level is said to fluctuate. In the wireless division, the owners of the Next Generation Platform Center, the Global Manufacturing Center and the Strategic Marketing Office, led by the Vice President level, are expected to change. It is very likely that the strategic marketing department of the memory division, the strategic marketing office of the foundry division and the strategic marketing office of the system’s LSI division will also be replaced. Last year, the number of Samsung Electronics executives was 162. According to the industry, more than 200 executives are expected this year.

The timing of Vice President Lee’s inauguration as president has been postponed for a considerable period of time. Considering that Vice President Lee is involved in legal risks, it is analyzed that the discussions will unfold over time. An economic official said, “We expect discussions to begin only after the 12th, when President Lee’s 49th reign is over,” and “in accordance with next year’s shareholder season, the return of executives. registered, the promotion of the president and the reorganization will be promoted simultaneously.

Reporter Song Hyung-seok / Hwang Jung-soo / Lee Soo-bin [email protected]

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