Growth of 2.1% in the third quarter … 0.2% p above the original estimate


Despite the second coronavirus outbreak, the economic growth rate in the third quarter was higher than the original estimate and the decline in gross national income also decreased.

According to the Bank of Korea’s interim third-quarter national income value, the growth rate of real gross domestic product in the third quarter was 2.1% over the second quarter, up 0.2 percentage points over the last. news released in October.

Exports increased by 16%, led by automobiles and semiconductors.

Real gross national income, GNI, increased 2.4% from the second quarter and decreased 0.1% from the third quarter of last year, down from -1.7% in the second quarter.

The BOK explained that the improvement in terms of trade resulted in a reduction in real trade losses and the increase in real national income exceeded the real growth rate.

Yonhap News TV article inquiries and reports: katok / line jebo23

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