The mocking “Marie Breadtoanena” poured into Kim Hyun-mi’s “flat bread” comment


Land, Infrastructure and Transport Minister Kim Hyun-mi was stuck in his thoughts during the General Assembly of the Land Transport Commission held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 30th. Yunhap news

Land, Infrastructure and Transport Minister Kim Hyun-mi was stuck in his thoughts at the General Assembly of the Land Transport Commission held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 30th. Yunhap news

The Minister of the Territory, Infrastructure and Transport Kim Hyun-mi compared the apartment to the “bread” of the 30th and spoke with the intention that it is difficult to supply immediately, the controversy is spreading in the political world. In opposition, Kim’s remarks are compared to “Marie Antoinette” and criticize them.

This afternoon, former Congressman Seung-min Yoo said, “Make an apartment policy, not an apartment,” via his Facebook page. Regarding Minister Kim’s remarks, “If it’s bread, I’ll do it overnight,” rep Yoo said. “Whoever told the government to build apartments alone, the government is not a builder.” “I pointed out.

Regarding the Moon Jae-in administration’s real estate policy being published about 24 times, Rep. Yoo said, “But these policies have failed, causing insane house prices, insane jeonse riots and breaking the ladder of my deal. home”. “After failing in the apartment policy, I now do not admit the failure of the policy and blame the innocent apartments for being the bread, so it turns people upside down again.”

Rep Yoo said, “You mean now you know an apartment can’t be built in a day?”

He wrote: “In the brains of these government people, it is an input that the apartments are made by the public, ie the government,” he said.

On November 22, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Kim Hyun-mi visits a rented house he bought in Eunpyeong-gu and looks inside.  yunhap news

On November 22, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Kim Hyun-mi visits the rented house he bought in Eunpyeong-gu and looks inside. yunhap news

Professor Kim Geun-sik, chairman of the Song Pa-byung party committee chairman, Seoul, also criticized Kim, saying, “Antoinette’s remarks from another country’s second season” and “It’s the same perception as the representative of the Democratic Party Jin Seon-mi to get out of the apartment fantasy. ” “Eventually, Antoinette faced the tragic end of the guillotine,” he said.

Kim Ye-ryeong, a spokesman for People’s Power, said in an oral comment: “People are angry every day at the housing problem. He stressed that the cause of the uproar is” multi-homed people. ”

Spokesman Kim argued that the Blue House should replace Minister Kim Hyun-mi, saying, “The apartment is not bread.

Minister Kim’s remarks emerged during the questioning process on the pending issue of the National Assembly’s Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Committee on the morning of that day. When Kim Gyo-heung, a member of Democratic Party Kim Gyo-heung, asked the reason for the shortage of apartment supply in the previous generation’s plan, Minister Kim said: “The supply of apartments in 2021 and 2022 will decrease. It’s because it’s done, “he replied.

Meanwhile, Minister Kim said: “If the apartment is bread, I’ll do it all night.”

Reporter Oh Wonseok [email protected]

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