England Level 3 Blocking Rules: Latest Coronavirus Restrictions Explained | Coronavirus


The government has announced details of the new three-tier system which will come into effect when the four-week nationwide lockdown across England ends on 2 December.

Non-essential stores in all areas may reopen, as can gyms, hairdressers, and other personal care businesses, with formal instruction to stay home coming to an end. The “rule of six” will apply again for outdoor meetings in all areas.

Places of worship may be open and weddings will be permitted within local limits.

The system was criticized in parliament by Labor leader Keir Starmer, saying that introducing a three-tier system without an effective test and tracking system is a “greater risk”.

The hospitality industry has also warned that the stricter tier system will “ruin Christmas” for struggling restaurants, hotels and pubs.

Here are the rules in level 3:

The hospitality venues must close, except for the delivery and takeaway service. In level 3, hotels and other accommodation providers also have to close, except for specific business purposes where people cannot go home. Outdoor sports, including golf and tennis, will continue at all levels, as will amateur team sports such as football. Unlike the first two levels, viewers will not be allowed to watch sports in level 3. You must not socially meet indoors or in most outdoor venues with anyone you don’t live with or who isn’t in your support bubble , this includes in any private garden or in most outdoor venues. Even in other open spaces like parks or beaches, you don’t have to socialize in groups of more than six people.

What was it like before?

In the more restrictive level, known as the “very high” alert level that was endured by large swathes of the north of England, socially intermingling indoors between families was prohibited – unless a support bubble was in place. . Even meeting in private gardens was not allowed. Up to six people from different families can socialize outdoors in public spaces, such as parks or beaches. Under the basic measures, hospitality venues serving hearty food could stay open until 10pm.

  • Due to the unprecedented and ongoing nature of the coronavirus outbreak, this article is regularly updated to ensure it reflects the current situation as best as possible. The most recent update will have been made on the date shown at the beginning of the article. Any significant corrections made to this or previous versions of the article will continue to be noted below in line with Guardian’s editorial policy.

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