Cooperation, not competition in space



Today’s International Space Station (ISS) is a larger achievement in space than the moon landings half a century ago. Competition and fear fueled the space race to the Moon; cooperation created the ISS. The United States will achieve future greatness in space through cooperation.

The 2020 Space Defense Strategy (DSS) requires the United States to advance space power to compete, deter and win any conflict that spans the space domain. While the US is not currently trying to arm the space, the aggressive language and tone of the DSS sends a different message to adversaries, such as China and Russia. To prevent avoidable conflicts in space, the United States must adapt both language and tone in the DSS from one of hostility to cooperation.

Now is the time for a new wave of international space cooperation. Our strategy should be a framework for space operations based on the principles of security, stability and accessibility.

Changing the DSS from antagonism to cooperation will avoid unnecessary fear and competition and prevent an arms race in space. Opponents like China and Russia see the use of strong language as a provocation. Authoritarian governments will see language invoking “space superiority” as a pretext for an accumulation of space weapons. If the United States can allay its concerns, the chances of a new space arms race diminish.

Changing the DSS will save taxpayer dollars. There will be less need to spend money on expensive space weapons programs. It will be much cheaper to fund scientific and cooperative space programs than antagonistic weapons of deterrence.

Changing the tone of the DSS will also foster a sense of cooperation. This new era of space exploration will be defined by cooperation. Nobody will gain anything in space through competition. Competition between space powers wastes resources and reduces safety for all. Instead, through cooperation, everyone will benefit from sharing resources and technical skills.

Some will argue that simple word changes and a softer tone in the DSS will not be credible to opponents. Those adversaries will start an accumulation of space weapons because they feel threatened by US space activities, regardless of how we characterize them. Yet words matter, and these word changes will help the United States reduce suspicion and tension. They will lead to further space dialogues that will continue to ease tensions between the US and its adversaries.

The ISS stands as a shining beacon of international cooperation in space. We must not let fear and competition obscure that bright light. Changing the language and tone of the Spatial Defense Strategy from Antagonism to Cooperation will help us prevent avoidable conflicts in space. Cooperation in space will help that bright light shine for all of humanity for generations to come.

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